2 Kings 2:23-24: A story about what happens when you make fun of bald dudes

Proud to be a defender of the faith.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Perhaps there is a tonal message in your words that you didn’t intend (your native language seems to be German?). This paragraph comes across as dismissing my comment while making a sweeping, inaccurate, and baseless judgment that I “distrust any media that contradicts my beliefs:”

    But by you talking about “the media” I guess you are trying to find reasons to further your already present distrust in any media that contradicts your beliefs?

    Hard to see how that couldn’t be meant as, at best, a passive-aggressive dig, implying some level of instability or paranoia.

  • I’m not saying you’re wrong about how originally only white male landowners were able to vote. But… That’s completely irrelevant to the issue of apportioning representation. The bicameral legislature provides fair representation to every state, whether it’s big or small. I don’t see how that could be anything but beneficial to everyone, whether they be a white male landowner in California or a black female renter in Rhode Island.

    Anyway, you aren’t going to convince me that your folly is the best course for this nation. I’m not too concerned because, like I said, you’ll never get enough states to go along with such a horrible plan to replace the Constitution.

    Good day.

  • You gotta return to your grade-school history textbooks, my friend. You can even read what the Framers wrote as they debated, at length, this very topic. It was the major sticking point between the populous states and the less populous states, and the bicameral legislature was the compromise.

    Either way, I’m not concerned. You’ll never get enough states to give up their representation so it’ll never happen.

  • There’s a reason the people who wrote the Constitution decided upon federalism as our form of government. It protects the minority from the tyranny of the majority. This concept is especially important as the urban majority seeks to assert its ignorant tyranny on the rural minority these days.

    The United States isn’t a single government like most non-federal nations. There is plenty of democracy in our local and state governments, and we have our bicameral Congress which accounts for both the equality of the states, no matter their populations, as well as the inequality of the states, taking into account their populations. Remove that equality and you will be unable to get enough states to ratify your new constitution.