Sure there are. Like in some countries “honor killings” are legal, but that’s called murder in the US
Sure there are. Like in some countries “honor killings” are legal, but that’s called murder in the US
But i think there are some crimes that will be prosecuted by your home country anyway, regardless of where the ship is registered. Like if 2 US citizens got on a ship registered to a country where murder is legal, and one killed the other, that person would still be prosecuted for murder when they returned to US soil or any country that has an extradition treaty with the US
I was loosely thinking about that as saving a hostage (yourself), but i think you’re right that it’s probably distinct enough to be its own separate motivation
I mean there’s only a tiny handful of motivations that are ever used for action movies
Are there any others?
But you didn’t answer the most important question - was it done on purpose or was it an accident?
A quick web search shows that you can freeze dry at home without a dedicated machine. A bunch of sites say you can do it in a regular fridge’s freezer.
Completely agree about how horrible flicker is. There are occasional leds that don’t flicker. I believe (but I’m not sure) that they have to have am ac/dc converter. AC causes the flicker, but Direct Current delivers steady constant power. I have a random string light set that has (what i believe is) an ac/dc converter wall wart, and it doesn’t flicker at all. It’s just a random set I bought from a store.
But he says it’s not a big deal, and I strongly disagree
But then in the middle of the video he completely ignores the problem of LED flicker!!!
Hm ok yeah, that seems quite scary sounding so that i would strongly hesitate before clicking on “discard ALL changes”. Still, I wonder if a second confirmation dialog with more information is warranted for a command that’s so destructive.
I don’t know anything about programming, i came here from /all, but it seems to me that a command that’s this permanently destructive warrants a second confirmation dialog message reminding the user that the files will be permanently deleted and not undoable
Better is better. Everything else is just silly pointless judgment
Just because a show was “filmed in front of a live studio audience” that doesn’t meant it didn’t have a laugh track as well. Lots of shows filmed in front of a studio audience ALSO added tons of laugh track
An ancient cheap small laptop would do it fine. Plex or Jellyfin software
News Flash: Cause and effect exists. People don’t pop into existence each day as a brand new slate unaffected by their past.
There may or may not be value to the study, but this pop-sci article is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
We do have those things. That’s how many technologies already work.
Me as well. I crack up at nonsense type comedy like the eric andre show, and imo this snl skit is just plain unfunny
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled”
After someone has been convinced of something, it’s very hard to convince them that they were wrong because now their ego is on the line. And the longer amount of time they’ve believed what Trump says then the harder it will be to convince them that he’s a lying con man, because they’d have to admit to themselves and their community that they were massively conned. And they would to some degree have to even question whether their entire worldview is wrong.
Questioning your own ideas and trying to determine if you’ve been wrong about something takes a lot of openness maturity and emotional intelligence, which are things conservatives statistically are not good at
I hope this gets the streisand effect, but it’s probably too geeky of a topic for that
I think the most meaningful response is that effects on the economy wouldn’t be an issue because reality itself would break. Backward time travel would violate causality (cause and effect).
If you go back in time, even a microscopic alteration in events would lead to the universe being different than the one you came from in 2025, but how could you have come from the universe as it was in our 2025 if that universe never came to be because you changed how things would proceed when you visited the past?