Lol I still don’t really understand ipv6 and I work in IT. Ipv4 is so much easier and nicer to work with
Lol I still don’t really understand ipv6 and I work in IT. Ipv4 is so much easier and nicer to work with
Wait LAME encoders are now obsolete? Tf? How did I miss this?
Wym not photo editing? You can do everything aswell in Krita. Changing hues, retouching, selection, layers, saturation, tone balance. All there.
And you can most definitely use it for pixel art. Even if you don’t want to use Krita there exist paint.net, aseprite, piskel or pixelorama. No need for hundreds of dollars for PS.
Honestly ever si ce I discovered Krita I never went back to GIMP. Maybe gimp is more customizable at the base level but fuck me if Krita doesn’t make transitioning out of Photoshop a breeze. Changing from PS to Krita is like switching from a metal baseball bat to a wooden one. Switching from PS to Gimp is like switching out your metal baseball bat for an unfelled pine tree.
Krita? Not good enough?
Apparently not porn. There’s a thread above discussing how porn addiction is apparently not real.
“Poisoned or tainted food” is just a sensationalist term for “not FDA approved” or “not handled by a certified food professional”. It’s kinda over the top in this regard but remember when people put borax in their milk to make it taste better or lime and plaster into bread to stretch the flour? It was unregulated food. Just like you can’t open an unregistered and unlicensed restaurant without certfied cooks, you can’t just hand out foods without someone knowing (i.e. licensed) how the food is supposed to be handled.
Eh there are multiple bioweapon labs across the world that still have small pox and the bubonic plague. You can still have your pox party, just not private.
Just like trans athletes in sports. Which are like what? 3 people?
It makes for good headlines and that’s why it’s news and gives the rightwing conspiracy nuts more fuel for the next big idiotic thing.
I mean “either use a Chromium browser or you can’t display or use the site” sounds pretty similar to me.
Because it’s old and easy to handle. Yes it’s wasteful if you convert whole videos, but really anything under 10s with low rez is easily handleable by pretty much anything. Gif was the first animated format and that’s why it’s big. Also early internet forum days were absolutely plastered with pixelart gifs that ran for minutes and barely swalloed 100kb. You can get a lot of bang for your buck if you save on pixels and framerate. But ofc a 60fps render of some 4k bluray clip will eat your memory. Contrast that with 16×32 px gif that runs at 8fps.
Oh wow! The DOJ actually going for it. Can someone enlighten me on wether it’s simply a procedural error because there was no approval or if a request for such a thing would be denied anyway?
Dogma is a really good movie with a Christian theme. Good Omens is a great series with Christian themes though it’s more atheist in it’s message than Dogma.
Airbnb, uber and doordash are all just attempts at market cornering.
Denying the holocaust is only possible because of freedom of speech and look what it’s doing.
This only works for that particular law (insults) and I agree. However it breaks down at misinformation and allowing more of it enables attacks on the very foundation of those freedoms. And very often insults and misinformation go hand in hand in people with extremist stances.
Being forced into it due to family will feel bad. But if nothing else is going on, people might actually enjoy it. I have seen churches in the jungle and the mass on weekends was like a social happening like a party people were looking forward to.
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This is frankly fantastic news. You just need to classify gacha as gambling and you’re done. This is probably way easier than to legally define what a gacha game is.
Would that be with a piece of cloth, a ball or a dick?