has suggested that the solution to the crisis may be a Finnish model, which is a ‘housing first’ approach that aims to give everyone a home.
Fixing homelessness by giving people a home! I’m not sure that’s going to work…facepalm
has suggested that the solution to the crisis may be a Finnish model, which is a ‘housing first’ approach that aims to give everyone a home.
Fixing homelessness by giving people a home! I’m not sure that’s going to work…facepalm
January 1 - This is just the emotionally charged distraction. Keep watchful for the event that needs to go under the radar. A change in laws or policy, a new war, or anything that is meant to erode people’s privacy, security or freedom. The US has a history of implementing undesirable changes during holiday periods when there’s little opposition. Possibly something like this;
Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is set to expire on December 31, 2023
Not saying good, bad, right or wrong - We need to understand what this all means. Here’s a good start. https://brettscott.substack.com/p/casino-chip-cashless-society
He’ll be offering the entire Goya range direct from the oval office.
Agreed! What would be amazing though, is a manufacturer who could make a modern safe bare-bones vehicle that didn’t have the tech installed at all. If you want tech you could BYO.
It can’t be illegal because you agree to allow them when you purchase the new vehicle. It’s all there in the T&C and PP, which no one ever reads. Don’t like it? Don’t buy new cars. I won’t.
Here’s a tip to make using Firefox profiles easy.
and create a profile. Let’s call this one “better” because it has the Betterfox css added. (an example)firefox
in a terminal will launch the default profile. Typingfirefox -p better
will launch the “better” profile. If you’re on OS X or Windows just find out what the equivalent command would be to execute the launch.Name: Firefox profile better
Command: firefox -p better
Keys: enter the keys you want to use
How to choose keys;
My desktop environment uses super(windows) + b to launch the default browser, which happens to be Firefox. So for me it makes sense to use something like super + shift + b for consistency, and easy to remember. If you have a profile with Arkenfox css it could be super + shift + a. Regardless, try for a mnemenic and consistent solution.
Now whenever you want to launch a new instance of a Firefox profile just tap the keys you assigned.