• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • In threads app, I clicked over to the profile tab (or, my account page, idk)
    Two unequal lines in the top corner (wtf, why isn’t it a hamburger menu-icon),
    Took me to a page called “<- Settings” (oh, uh, not sure how I got here without a gear icon; am I old now),
    Clicked down to “Account”
    And there should be an option, “Fediverse sharing beta”

    Am US based though. I’m not sure how meta filtered accounts they opened that feature to, if you don’t have it.

  • ikr, like fr, sometimes i think it’s because maybe i’m just, like, short, but wtf no joke, one of my closest friends rn is shorter than me and with my other friends, i still get treated like i was less mature?? one time one of my coworkers actually said that, not cool wth, and i feel a bit outcast when they all act like that, like, this is just how I talk, so why can’t they respect that i’m pretty much the same generation as you guys, i slouch just like they do, and sometimes they have even worse posture, but then like why do they have to low key drop these bad vibes on me, cause ong, it’s so demeaning when they say something slow like they think they’re being thoughtful, and maybe sometimes the nice people really are, but mostly they come across sarcastic and fake!!! but i can deal with, most of the time, idk

    Back into the spirit of c/NoStupidQuestions – follow up question! What do you think they believe Proper Adults act and speak like?

  • One of my strategies is to first ask myself, “Does it matter? How much?” and then “What could I do about it? Do I care enough to do that?”

    Then I act or shrug or medicate or politely interrogate why-incompetent-person-did-incompetent-goddamn-thing based on that.

    Experience: worked a service job for too long, judging an issue’s worth to me is like a reflex now. It takes practice

  • “I never learned or thought about how long my trash will actually insist on existing and polluting my environment. I’m completely ignorant of how incredibly slowly plastic decomposes and how toxic it is for plastic to leach into the lowest parts of the food chain and concentrate on its way up.”

    “AFAIK, because the earth will take care of it somehow - everything turns into dirt when you leave it in the dirt long enough, right?”

    “I’m just sooo ignorant, plastic will just break back up into little plastic fibers and the ocean can recycle it for us, like tree bark or w/e, right?”

    That’s my best, but still invalid, justification. What do I win ::: spoiler spoiler /sarcasm (I hope this spoiler works bc it’s not working on boost) :::

  • So this reminds of this book I read called The Circle, in which everyone’s fascination with technology and tracking and data collecting slippery-sloped at breakneck speed into 1984, except any stranger with an internet connection became your Big Brother.

    We have many other environmental ways to encourage people to drive slower, like narrower lanes, or those long thin rumble-strip-style speed bumps, or landscaping with greenery.

    BTW, why is it so hard to get information off google on traffic calming studies for freeways? Everything is about urban or suburban areas, smh. When I use “freeways” in quotes, suddenly I get a whole bunch of irrelevant results about people trying to get over their fear of driving on the freeway. Wtf google.