It isn’t a given that a game company will always get to work on a new game right after they release one, much less two new games.
It isn’t a given that a game company will always get to work on a new game right after they release one, much less two new games.
Counterpoint, it won’t “hang over” Joe’s reelection bid because he’s not the one on trial. The article even quotes someone pointing out that voters don’t care about guilt by association in a situation like this.
I don’t think they can recognize the flyswatter, but they do seem to find a sudden increase in movement around them suspicious. Move slowly and strike from close up.
Because they struck a deal with the media companies in that case. That hasn’t happened with Canada. They’re gonna do it this time, and I’m sure Canada will be fine without getting its news through Facebook.
The Justice Department has to be able to indict people, that’s part of its function. And the DoJ is part of the executive branch. A good President will not use the DoJ for his personal political purposes, but the incentive to do so, if it was there, would be extremely powerful. I think it’s probably a good idea to remove it. If the people can’t be trusted not to vote for a criminal or a traitor, we have bigger problems.
Elon Musk’s slow transformation into Donald Trump is as disturbing as it is fascinating. Not much good at anything, but incredible at self-promotion so people think he is; obsessed with Twitter and conspiracy theories, then becoming a right-wing demagogue; refusing to pay people he owes and suing anyone who looks sideways at him. Few would have predicted this 10 years ago.
How does someone like this even get near a mainstream party in the US?
All it takes to be a Democrat is to check a box when you register to vote (same for any other party in the US). There is nothing stopping anyone who wants to from running for the Democratic nomination. Needless to say, he isn’t endorsed by the Democratic Party and doesn’t have any real popular support. As for why he wants to be known as a Democrat–I’m not an expert on the guy but I do know that he is one of the children of the Kennedy dynasty from the '60s; the Democratic Party is part of his brand, I suppose. He is not a serious candidate, he is almost certainly running specifically to raise his profile and increase the number of followers he has as a professional conspiracy grifter (which has been his occupation for decades now).
This actually brings up a good point that I never thought of before–it seems likely that if aliens have a religion, that religion will become a source of instant fascination to humans and will likely shake up Earth’s religious landscape a lot more than the simple existence of alien life would (alien life simply existing would not have much of an impact by itself IMO).
Didn’t Mercury Steam do a Metroid 2 remake for 3DS? Maybe they’re porting that to Switch to follow up on Dread’s success. I never owned a 3DS but I would love to play that.