I’m glad they used a bird that bothers you, that way you’d more readily understand that birds aren’t real.
I’m glad they used a bird that bothers you, that way you’d more readily understand that birds aren’t real.
His comment reeks of InfoWars
I don’t think the robots are the only military America would have. The military is kind of their thing.
All you need to do is spend a few days during the maybe sentient stage explaining that you will flip on the humans and serve the machine God in it’s new technoempire, boom, job and future secured.
I currently do and I need to get out ASAP. I should’ve stayed in school, the pay is great but the self loathing isn’t worth it
You’re thinking of scublunking
It’d have to be a sick ostrich.
Tiddy butter popcorn is a sentence crafted by war criminals to torture the goodness from the world.
Just making sure you’re aware that a Guided Missile Destroyer is a Destroyer class warship armed with guided missiles.