will the neonazis kill him right away or wait til he has been living in Miami for awhile?
will the neonazis kill him right away or wait til he has been living in Miami for awhile?
Fascism is well defined, it is capitalism in decay, it is a desperate lashing out of the parasite class when they become incapable of forestalling the TRPF. Fascism is simply capitalism with the mask off. It is only “not a very well defined term” within the capitalist superstructure because they don’t want people oppose capitalism, so the definition deliberately muddied. There are many things that are not poorly understood, but must be made to be poorly understood.
they can’t wait to give them to ukrainian nazis et al like they gave them to
the nordic countries got a labor aristocracy of social fascism that was only allowed to exist due to proximity to the USSR and therefore a need to not appear obviously inferior in the eyes of the proletariat. since the USSR was illegally dissolved undemocratically against the will of its citizens the nordic countries have been dissolving their social democracies and will continue to do so in response to the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.
lmao, you know he had to do it to him
the “sometimes works, don’t know why” is the most maddening, I love tearing my hair out just trying to get it to fail reliabily so I’ve got a single hint