Yeah that’s fair. I haven’t cared about Pokemon since the remakes of Sapphire and Ruby during which I didn’t lose a single battle. It was a cool nostalgia trip but since there was absolutely no strategy necessary I never ever wanted to go back since there’s not enough reward for the time sink; it’s just not fun imo.
Dudes be like “devs too focused on making a game pretty instead of fun” then be like “this game is too ugly and it’s making me upset”
This is probably not at all what this person is like, but the way I read this made me picture someone desperate to prove that they’re cool and hip by being part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I have never heard of anyone like this, though I have heard of someone very European claiming to be native American for the street cred so I wouldn’t say no one would ever do the same with sexuality.
“Now I need a fake ID to rent ultra-porn!”
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland was my absolute favorite GBA game as a kid. It’s extremely linear but so well put together
I love party games like these
I just wish my friends did too :(
Thanks to the legend
I believe you can configure it to record the desktop as well
Brainrot is a very unique kind of joke. To old people, it’s funny because “haha kids are stupid.” To middle-aged people, it’s funny because it sounds like a meme and that on its own makes it funny. To young adults, it’s funny because it’s an ironic meta joke that’s funny just because it’s supposed to be funny even though it really isn’t funny. To teenagers, it’s funny because “haha old people are stupid because “haha kids are stupid” so let’s play a prank on old people to make them think we’re stupid.” To kids, it’s funny because it’s funny to teenagers.
So I dunno take your pick. Also marketing and sales people can be notoriously up their own ass and out of touch (see the Wendy’s “memer” commercial) so who knows why they do things
Design, ESPECIALLY user-centric design is so difficult to get right. Epic Systems, one of the largest medical software companies in the world, has an entire research department dedicated solely to finding the optimal way to present information and options to their users. Since their users are typically old doctors who hate needing to learn new ways of doing things, this is among their highest valued divisions.
When UI designers find something that works, people are going to copy it. That doesn’t mean it’s ripped-off, it means R&D paid off.
Case-in-point video game controllers have slowly but surely converged into the ABXY, D-pad, 2xbumper+trigger pair, 2 analogue stick design with a system button and two more meta control buttons. Any ventures beyond that (index finger paddles, track pads, etc) have all found a way to fit into that schema.
Additionally, that “click the stick to see important items” mechanic that was made famous as Arkham’s detective mode has made its way into basically any game that has any sort of secondary puzzle-solving mechanic (Batman Arkham, The Witcher, Spider-man, etc). It also shows up in tactical games to let you tag items or characters of interest (Splinter Cell, Crysis, Last of Us, etc)
Furthermore, entire genres are built out of good user experiences. FPS wouldn’t exist without the slick mechanic implementations of Wolfenstein 3D and DOOM. FPS on console wouldn’t exist without Halo’s intuitive control schema which Call of Duty 2 would later improve upon and ultimately become the default console FPS layout.
Good design is hard to come by, so yeah if it’s good it will be replicated.
*Nintendo has entered the chat *
I’m mad. I’m very mad. I’m also very tired of watching political movements get shut down by the people who respond with “yes, we need to do better” followed by a handful of performative actions, and absolutely no substantive change.
I believe in a general strike. Wholeheartedly. I believe it would make real change. How the hell do I organize one safely? How do I trust any of the other people online who claim to be organizing them?
“Muskian fraud” seems like a good term for someone who desperately claims to be a genius but can’t back it up. “Trumpian fraud” seems like a good term for someone who desperately claims to be wealthy but can’t back it up.
Consider the Thames river. Which one? Depends on how you read it out loud.
The “Temz” runs through London while the “Thayms” runs through somewhere in Connecticut.
I imagine if they had spread out the release of Black Widow, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Hawkeye a little bit more since the release of Ant-man and the Wasp, this movie would be a lot more exciting. Right now, this trailer feels like what would have happened if Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, and the Incredible Hulk all were released in 2008 and the Avengers wasn’t released for 4 years after that.
They were building momentum by teasing Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ character but they lost it all a year or two ago
I like how they fully acknowledge nobody remembers the protagonists of this story because they weren’t in Endgame and they haven’t been in anything for almost 4 years now, and they do so by flashing their names on screen in massive text.
This movie has a really high bar to reach. It’s functionally supposed to be the Avengers (2012) while simultaneously being a good Suicide Squad movie and also being Justice League. These characters have barely been established and they’re supposedly all anti-heroes but they’re supposed to save the world against evil Superman?
Looks good but if I can’t buy a Santa skin for the paddle when Christmas rolls around for $5 then I don’t want it
Odds are that there are dozens of people way cooler than me who would benefit from the work that I can do in preparation for them.
Also, eternal life, like immortality in the annals of human history, is only something I can hope for. Making other people’s lives better is the only way I know for sure I can make a mark in the world.
As Bo Burnham puts it, “You pray so badly for heaven knowing any day could be the day that you die, but maybe life on Earth can be heaven. Doesn’t just the thought of it make it worth a try?”