No. Don’t change. Never change. Likeoscow
No. Don’t change. Never change. Likeoscow
Here’s a helpful tip: go to web.archive.org and go to “share”, then save to Home Screen. Now you have a little app icon, whenever you find a paywall news article you can go to it and find the unpaywalled version
My app was written in one line: yarn run dev.
They say they they wrote it in 10k lines, while twitter was 1M, but are they including all the packages they’re using (assuming that they are)? Like I can say I built a website with 100 lines, but in reality if you compile all the packages I’m using it’s a shit ton more than that.
Just a lazy thought out loud. Idk I’m probably being dumb
Actually it’s a uk thing they do at the end of a letter or correspondence, I think it means kisses? (Correct me if I’m wrong). While the naming you’re referring to likely stems from the straightedge / emo scene in the USA during the early 2000s.
I’ll add that you can buy a $30 used “thin client” pc via eBay and set up Ubuntu server (or your choice of Linux distro) then set up pi-hole on it. Cheap project, lots of value
I think people underestimate the scale of surveillance/tracking. People lump it in with “oh it’s just advertising”, similar to all the commercials you watch on tv. But it’s a completely different beast. Personally my eureka moment was when I set up a pi-hole and saw the staggering amount of creepy tracking on my devices.
Like typescript?
Because “come here” is a command, and when a pattern emerges over the lifetime of a relationship it is disrespectful to you. Are you a dog?
I started because I was tired of using Spotify for podcasts. I just searched for the most simplest podcast app I could find for Linux and chose gPodder, then I just subscribed to the podcasts I listen to via rss url. There’s some sites that will give you the rss url for podcasts based on name search
Literally just got into rss this week and realized what I had been missing- news, podcasts, DJ mixes all delivered straight to you with no bs
This is a fantastic point. Thank you for adding it to the discussion.
I’d like to point out that chimpanzees are pretty evil, but then again they are a great ape as well
“That piece of evidence allowed the researchers to link the murders with a motive – that of gaining new ground.”
Interesting perspective!
Good thought. I will think about this next time I’m in the shower.
Your logic is weak. Do all Americans deserve to be raped and murdered because the country was stolen from natives?