The utility of Laplace transforms in regards to differential systems.
In engineering school you learn to analyze passive DC circuits early on using not much more than ohms law and Thevenin’s Theoram. This shit can be taught to elementary schoolers.
Then a little while later, you learn how to do non-finear differential equations to help work complex systems, whether it’s electrical, mechanical, thermal, hydrolic, etc. This shit is no walk in the park.
Then Laplace transforms/identities come along and let you turn non-linear problems in time-based space, into much simpler problems in frequency-based space. Shit blows your mind.
THEN a mafacka comes along and teaches you that these tools can be used to turn complex differential system problems (electrical, mechanical, thermal, hydrolic, etc) into simple DC circuits you can analyze/solve in frequency-based space, then convert back into time-based space for the answers.
I know this is super applied calculus shit, but I always love that sweet spot where all the high-concept math finally hits the pavement.
The utility of Laplace transforms in regards to differential systems.
In engineering school you learn to analyze passive DC circuits early on using not much more than ohms law and Thevenin’s Theoram. This shit can be taught to elementary schoolers.
Then a little while later, you learn how to do non-finear differential equations to help work complex systems, whether it’s electrical, mechanical, thermal, hydrolic, etc. This shit is no walk in the park.
Then Laplace transforms/identities come along and let you turn non-linear problems in time-based space, into much simpler problems in frequency-based space. Shit blows your mind.
THEN a mafacka comes along and teaches you that these tools can be used to turn complex differential system problems (electrical, mechanical, thermal, hydrolic, etc) into simple DC circuits you can analyze/solve in frequency-based space, then convert back into time-based space for the answers.
I know this is super applied calculus shit, but I always love that sweet spot where all the high-concept math finally hits the pavement.