Funny, I was just listening to the album this morning and was chuckling at the lyrics to one of the songs, which explicitly state no homo bro.
Funny, I was just listening to the album this morning and was chuckling at the lyrics to one of the songs, which explicitly state no homo bro.
Yeah honestly as a gay woman myself I thought there wasn’t enough LGBT representation. Apparently there are two barbies who kiss on a couch at one point but it was so quick I didn’t see it, my friend had to tell me about it. There really wasn’t a lot of any sort of sexuality in the movie. Which makes sense, they don’t have genitalia.
Once again, they are not skinned alive to make a sweater so not exactly what my ex pictured happened for yarn products.
I mean they are certainly shorn more than once before that happens, so I wouldn’t exactly say it’s a blood sacrifice.
My ex thought the only way to get llama wool was to kill the llama. For some reason, this logic only applied to llamas, she understood sheep wool didn’t require the same sort of blood sacrifice.
Something to keep in mind with studies are outside social factors such as less women playing chess and less women being exposed to chess at a young age. There are fewer women in chess and fewer girls learning chess, for probably centuries. This will have a factor when comparing two demographics.