My device doesn’t have a graphics card and only has two threads, so I guess it’s just for higher end devices?
My device doesn’t have a graphics card and only has two threads, so I guess it’s just for higher end devices?
Color me fucking surprised!
WYSIWYG editors rock. Long live TeXmacs!
Can you lose your voting rights in the USA?
They weren’t all executed, that’s the deal
Why is this called a “theorem”? It feels like a rule of thumb instead
Rising by Rainbow is all I ever needed
The summed up version of your comment is that you also go out of your way to work around the database issue.
This post reads like going to a Linux forum and asking for issues with the GTX660, which absolutely does not work on Linux: your concerns are legitimate and it’s reasonable not to buy all the good comments on VS Code based on your personal experience. However, it works on my machine. And it also works for many others.
You also mention to have been doing fine with “just vim”. I’d argue that you should face VS Code with the same humility you faced vim. If you’re up to the task, take your time to learn its quirks just like you did with Vim’s. Otherwise, you’re better off ending your career with the toolsuite you know for now.
Womp womp?
Didn’t they do primaries this time around? Didn’t anyone show up to contest him?
What a based man. As a wise Spaniard once said, “Malditas sean las guerras y los canallas que las hacen”.
Is Nicholas Cage on Dune 2?
Kinda like hitting the case of a piece of hardware to make it work
We’re having our particular technological revolutions as well. In little more than a century we’ve managed to construct computing devices with capabilities that may have taken thousands of years to be achieved by nature.
So, in gaming terms, we’re upgrading our gear to kill stronger bosses?