Not the pedophile. I’m so disappointed
Not the pedophile. I’m so disappointed
It’s nice when you get some help, but ihelp in the form of aomeone being forced to be your little house slave is weird as shit
Just for the exercise
I see a lot of them on tinder.
My dad always acts like i’m close to dying because i’m vegan. I work out every day, he eats meat 3 times a day and even his vegetables are unhealthy as fuck. He’s so overweight that getting into his car is super exhausting. Pretty weird if someone like that gives you tips on how to eat right.
Corporation polluter the planet, therefore we should be allowed to torture animals. You got it boy
In other words, humans are assholes
It’s delicious, therefore we should torture it and eat it. People are the worst.
It’s obviously pc for me because that’s pretty much all i use for 30 years. But i always liked the nes because it’s pretty satisfying to put in a cartridge and pushing it down.
When it came out it was just slightly better than a phone
Good for them. Dating apps are a nightmare for dudes. These days, and if someone is impressed by this, fair play.
Wait, it’s actually a battleship movie?? I thought that was a joke because of the name
That’s one of the weirdest features i have ever seen. I know that they just want to push that shit, but no option to just remove it is so dumb. Look at this garbage feature, maybe you love it next month
I still don’t see the point of a sequel in the first place.
Helldivers is legitimately the best game i have played in the past few years. Deep rock galactic is great too and pretty similar. If you like rogue like fps with amazing movement and game feel, crab champions is fantastic. Blasphemous is also a very fun game that is like 75% off
So who and how many go to jail now? I guess around 0
Yeah, one would really think