One of these plants is right off an interstate and I drive past it frequently. Within a few weeks of this news breaking, there were “NOW HIRING” billboards put up for miles in either direction. Ignorance is a virtue in the American South.
One of these plants is right off an interstate and I drive past it frequently. Within a few weeks of this news breaking, there were “NOW HIRING” billboards put up for miles in either direction. Ignorance is a virtue in the American South.
Dogdammit they’re right!
I’m not a political analyst in any capacity and this is pure conjecture, but my gut is telling me that he’s getting info that enough West Virginia republicans are willing to vote independent to carry him over the line in the next election. So, walking that out, if republicans are willing to break straight ticket voting to keep a “half-flipped democrat” in office, I think that speaks more to the fracturing of their voting bloc than the acumen of an individual politician who seems to be seeking office for personal gain over party goals. I’m very interested to see how much money is spent on this race this/next year.
Even after this walk back, the whole situation still sucks for everybody but Unity. Even the part about removing the “requirement to use the Made with Unity splash screen” bit seems like blatant self-preservation more than capitulation. They’ve got to be aware that there are probably consumers out there willing to boycott any game with that splash screen, leading to lower install numbers. I’m not in game dev, so I’m just talking out of my ass, but it doesn’t seem like studios are really bothered by including those pre-roll splash screens all that much.