I had working glasses that made the sun look neon green too.
I had working glasses that made the sun look neon green too.
I personally disagree, forcing yourself to use non mutable variables only leads to longer and more convoluted code.
Sorry, I want to make an app that works, not a perfect art piece.
I personnaly disagree, getting out is easier than making connections for me.
But of course being stuck with people you don’t like, or a family you hate sucks too
Alone != Lonely.
I prefer being alone but being lonely and not having the choice is really bad.
Yes it’s a lot. I don’t want to dox myself but with a quick search I found out that Vancouver go up to $6.20 for 18-65yo depending on the area.
But I would expect most trip to cost less
Wrong currency my bad it’s $4.25 So 3 euro
And is 10€ for 10 travels with 1 years use limit, so most people pay 1€.
I lived here, it’s amazing. It was already free for -25yo but making it free for everyone is a good thing. It should be free for tourist too imo.
It’s 10euro for 10 travel in Montpellier, where I am in Canada it’s 4 euro cad each, so I bike more.
Yes exactly. And South Park is popular in France too.
I searched Charlie hebdo religion and took the first one so I don’t know, but they have hundreds of similar comic, I don’t think it had anything special.
But no one can critic Charlie Hebdo since the 2012 attack
Charlie Hebdo is a really good exemple. It has caricature of literally everything. From celebrity to religion to politic and whatever politically incorrect joke you can think of. It may looks islamophobic, but it’s against everyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did caticature of people making caricature, some certainly did.
The difference is that some take it well and adapt to this French humor, and some don’t. (I don’t mean this as an issue with Islam, it’s an issue with extremistd that would behead a teacher).
I personnaly dislike this humor and art style, but it should exist.
Btw, hebdo in Charlie hebdo means every week, since 1970, so they had to time to offend everyone.
This is a thing in France, we have caricatures for everything. Muhammed isn’t an exception, and shouldn’t be. It’s not islamophobia. This was a freedom of expression class too, it should be talking about controversial topics.
Parasocial relationships works both ways. Of course you have exceptions and it depend on the individual, but they usually like each others.
Getting paid to learn new things everyday at work is a dream, I don’t see the issues
Less checking syntax and more like “what was this function name again ?”
“Which library has that ?”
“Do I need to instance this or is it static ?”
All of theses can be answered by documentation, but who want to read the docs when you can ask chatgpt. (Copilot is better in my experience btw)
We wouldn’t have to do that if vscode remote ssh was good
Typing < type hinting
Saw a post about that yesterday. We already knew the results, but it’s sad to see it happens anyways.
It’s a sheet of aluminium glued to the wall, it looks good in person
I always found map more confusing than loop for some reason. Especially nested.