unattended-upgrades is annoying? How so?
unattended-upgrades is annoying? How so?
For Unifi devices you setup a Virtual Network then assign the guests to that. https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000166827-UniFi-Hotspot-Portal-and-Guest-WiFi
Ever hear of the fable “The boy who cried wolf”?
One catch is that you have to assume it’s gonna be sending data to China or at least have a hidden backdoor, possibly both. That may not matter depending on what they are doing.
If you want people to buy new cars every year wouldn’t you make the new cars look different? More exiting or whatever? We used to have awesome fins on the back of cars now we just get a shiny grill. “planned obscelensce” doesn’t force them to make cars that all look the same. That’s safety regulations.
Also why all the new cars suck.
Armed parents are brave, they care about all the illegal guns.
Stop voting Democrat, obviously. Since it was their policies that caused the high prices.
In ‘news that was incredibly obvious from the start’…no shit sherlock.
No better way to keep a poor person poor than trying to appear rich.
What’s the point in testifying in a kangaroo court? Where the judge is CLEARLY not interested in a fair trial?
It’s all going to get thrown out anyway.
Better to have expensive service that is actually available when you need it. Socialized medicine means you’ll be waiting MONTHS for an appointment. Or they’ll just tell you to kill yourself. No joke.
UNLV is a gun free zone. Looks like another failed application of gun control.
They use knives and trucks everywhere else. Guns don’t enable violence. We’ve been killing each other for centuries without them.
Freedom isn’t free. You want to live with your face under a boot that’s fine. You don’t get to choose for the rest of us.
Because it’s just another scare tactic. We know there are some dangers having firearms around.
That’s why we want to make sure the goverment isn’t the only people allowed to have them. First comes registration, then confiscation, then the tyranny.
You mean the gain of function research that was funded by Fauci? That ‘conspiracy theory’ is just another thing Trump is right about.
It’s a uniparty. And you’ve fallen for their song and dance.
Fun fact, no books are banned in FL
If you’re on Debian, it’s the tried and true method. The config is dead simple for most upgrades, just un-comment the line in the config file next to the type of upgrades you want, stable or testing. It can take some debugging if you have a package with it’s own APT repo. It’ll just ignore those updates by default.