ACLU’s Mobile Justice app automatically uploads videos to ACLU servers.
ACLU’s Mobile Justice app automatically uploads videos to ACLU servers.
It is different because sanctuary rules don’t usurp federal authority. Sanctuary rules prevent state and local authorities from enforcing federal law and cooperating with federal law enforcement for certain crimes which is legal because state and local authorities have no obligation and only a limited ability to enforce federal laws. Texas is claiming jurisdiction in a couple of areas in which jurisdiction is specifically reserved to the federal government, actively interfering with federal agencies, and taking actions that violate federal law and international treaties. Legal passive resistance vs active violent resistance.
Immuno blockers suck. My mom has an autoimmune disorder and has been on them for decades to control it. They’re better than not being able to control her disorder of course but every minor bug that goes around is a serious issue for her. Glad this round went well for your family.
Who said it invalidated anything? I figure them still having so much power makes it worse than most people think.
They don’t exercise much power outside of their ceremonial role but they still have a huge amount of power. Everything the UK government does requires royal assent. While only used ceremonially now, the government requires the Monarch’s permission to form in the first place and the PM is appointed by the Monarch. The Monarch has the power to unilaterally dismiss the PM and disband parliament. The last time a Monarch denied assent for a bill was in 1708 when Queen Anne vetoed the Scottish Militia Bill. The last time a Monarch broke convention with the use of their powers was in 1834 when William IV dismissed the Whig PM and cabinet and appointed a conservative PM and cabinet to replace them. The last time breaking convention was publicly discussed was in 2013 to stop Brexit.
John Bradshaw Layfield
Also interfering with federal employees in the course of their duties.
Festivus. It’s the holiday for the rest of us.
What you’re talking about is a calculation based on the birth of John the Baptist. John the Baptist’s father was a priest in the order of Abijah and John the Baptist was conceivced with his father’s barren wife as a reward for his service in the temple. His service would have ended in June. The angel Gabriel visited Mary in the sixth month of that pregnancy to tell her that she would birth Jesus. The calculation is June + 6 = Dec + 9 = September.
December is definitely not the correct month because the story has shepherds tending their flocks in the field. Sheep have to be brought in from the field for the winter months and would not have been in the field in December. They would have been moved to shelter no later then the end of October.
The year is also problematic. Jesus was born during the reign of King Harrod who died in 4BCE. And during a mass killing of babies which, if it happened at all, would have occurred at least a couple of years before Harrod’s death.
It’s also worth saying that there isn’t good evidence for Jesus having ever existed at all. It seems most likely that he did and was a reformist rabbi that the myth was built around but no one apparently wrote anything about him for a century or two after his death.
The US banned leaded gas for all cars on the road in 1996 but we phased it out much earlier. The Clean air act was passed in 1970 which created the EPA. The EPA set standards on how much carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons cars could have in their exhaust. To meet those standards automakers had to use catalytic converters and leaded gas destroys catalytic converters quickly. Because of this no new car introduced in the US since 1975 has used leaded gas. It was banned about 20 years later to let the old cars be operated through their normal lifecycle. We still use lead on n some aviation fuel.
Science says that there is good evidence that both gender identity and sexual orientation are strongly biologically influenced. There appears to be a genetic predisposition and influence from prenatal hormonal development. There is also a difference in neuroanatomy with transgender individuals brain structure and function being more similar to the sex that they identify with than to their biological sex. Genital sexual differentiation happens earlier and separately from neurological sexual differentiation and there are biological explanations for incongruencies between the two.
In games that have gender based perks, like Agent of Dibella in Skyrim or LadyKiller/Black Widow in the Fallout games tend to be stronger for female characters because more of the NPC’s are male. This is more adding another reason than claiming that it’s the main reason. I don’t exclusively play either male or female but typically when I play a female character it’s because I’m building a character that is less physically aggressive. I know this is playing into stereotypes but sword and board tends to be male while stealth archer tends to be female.
The movies don’t all have to be connected by a single overreaching narrative, give us some standalones. Give us a feel good Justice Society movie and a utopian sci-fi Legion of Superheroes. It would also be nice to move away from the core Justice League team and world or universe level threats. Let Nightwing stop the Zodiac Master’s plan to rob a series of banks.
It was the large option at the time but it is not as large as the one in your link. Mine is also all grey. I got 2 cats from my local animal shelter, they were about 2 and 3 months old at the time and the younger one was a little bigger than the older which should have been a warning sign. They are both American shorthairs. My older cat is white with a calico saddle and is only a little bigger than average, she is 14 lbs. My younger cat is almost solid black with 2 little white toes on one of his back feet. He is 22 lbs, over a foot tall, and from his nose to the end of his tail he is 39inches. He can stand on his back feet and get stuff off the kitchen counter.
I had one when my cats were kittens, unfortunately one of my cats is freakishly large and can’t turn around in most lidded litter boxes so I had to replace it but it was very convenient. It’s easy to use and the monthly clean out is about the same as any other manual litter box.
I offer you 3 better alternatives to daily burping for fermentation.
Good: Latex balloon with a pinhole in it. Stretch the neck over the opening of the container, when uninflated the pinhole is too small to let contaminates in, as the off gassing inflates the balloon the pinhole expands and the gasses are released.
Pros- cheap, latex balloons are ubiquitous, not opening the container reduces the risk of infection
Cons- stretching and wear to balloon prevents reuse, risk of tearing or slipping allowing too much gas to escape and contaminates to enter the container, vigorous fermentation may fill balloon with liquid/foam or cause a blowout
Better: Airlock
Pros- easiest option, airlock will be designed for use with container with no modification or customisation, least interaction needed generally no action will needed during fermentation but occasionally airlock may need refilled, resistant to blowout and fluid/foam leakage
Cons- if there is a blowout it will be spectacular and potentially dangerous, can be difficult to find and expensive if not using one of a few standard types of fermentation containers,
Best: Blow off tube, run a tube from the opening of the container to a container of water with the fermenter end having an airtight seal and the water end submerged. Water level must be below the level of the liquid in the fermenter.
Pros- blowout proof, resistant to fluid/foam leakage and leakage is generally contained in the water container, all materials are available at hardware or craft stores and at most big box stores
Cons- creating an airtight seal can be tricky for non-standard containers, requires the most space and materials
Ethan Couch, he killed 4 people in a drunk driving accident.
Check out the Allegory of the Cave, might change your mind about the usefulness of Plato. You might also find something interesting in the philosophy of Pythagoras’s cult and in the stoics.
There’s no common language name for the fat layer under the skin in English. The medical term is most often used which is subcutaneous fat.
Edit: Using “cutaneous” for skin is borrowing straight from Latin which is a little odd. Not because of the Latin, lots of medical and scientific terminology is Latin origin, but because almost every other time we talk about the skin we use the Greek term “dermis”.
From what I can find Apple and Google bowed to political pressure and removed all apps designed to do this. Unfortunately I can’t find a working alternative right now. Thanks for pointing this out to me.