Hopefully this doesn’t mean the end of the yearly Christmas light adventures. They were my favorite videos!
🇪🇸 🇨🇦
Hopefully this doesn’t mean the end of the yearly Christmas light adventures. They were my favorite videos!
Maybe I’m alone in this but I thought Gladiator 2 was horrible in comparison to the first. Like the first was a 10/10 and the second was a 4/10
This isn’t really adding anything, but in Spain we have the word guiri which is like Mexico’s gringo but guiri is like 100% negative unlike gringo. It specifically refers to British tourists because they have a bad habit of acting up while on vacation, but it could be used to refer to any tourist/foreigner
This is pretty spot on. I use español when comparing Spanish to another foreign language but castellano when talking about the language as a whole. The latter is the most popular in Spain because español is also the nationality and we also can speak catalán, vasco, valenciano, gallego, and others
One phrase, but two words. Its less analogous to why and more like “because of/for what”. In English its just one word but in Spanish its actually a phrase. Funnily enough, porque means because and is one word. To make matters worse there’s also porqué and por que which mean slightly diferentes things
Yeah my biggest complaint about Codeberg is that stuff can be hard to find
I imagine that they’re just normal grey rocks that look blue because of all of the red
As did the Pixel 2. Still miss the back scanner
Bullet dodged? I imagine it’d be even worse than that live action ATLA movie
Been going through my third play-through of Baldur’s Gate 3 recently. Its crazy that I’m still finding things I somehow missed or took a different path to get
But didn’t they say they were going to use all questions and answers to train ai?
I was wondering where I recognized his name! He also made the Witness, and had similar complaints about his audience
Maybe it fits bottle rockets or other missile fireworks?
A few more in case anyone is interested:
Spanish bases its texting slang around phonetics, instead of the English way of the first letter of the word
How can you tell? Looks like either i3 or sway, and that’s coming from another sway user lol
I was thinking about trying Kagi but then they “partnered” with Brave, which pretty much instantly turned me off. But then their CEO made some response where he basically said “cry about it”. I can’t find the original forum reply so I think he edited it
Paging Dr House to the clinic
Somebody yell them to shut up, I’m trying to sleep here!
I really want to be excited for the new album but this nor Night Terrors didn’t really do anything for me. They feel like DT songs but are missing something special that most other albums had. Its almost as if a DT cover band wrote this song