“All religious texts are porn and fairy tales… Not mine though”
- literally every religious person on Earth
“All religious texts are porn and fairy tales… Not mine though”
I’ll admit it lol
I know at least 4 (I wanna say 6 but 4 confirmed confidently) righty leaning lads who are anti trans for what they will say are varied, diverse, weighty reasons - who all collectively tell the same story word for word any and everytime trans issues come up…
“I hit it off with a girl on Tinder, then two days in before we met or got serious or even talked all that much (just enough for me to be smitten) they told me they were trans, and I’m not a bigot, BUT IF THEY DON’T PUT THAT SHIT IN THEIR BIO THEY DESERVE WHATEVER HAPPENS TO THEM”
Nobody understands when I explain that their violent response to a trans woman on tinder is why trans women don’t put it in their bio.
"No shirt
No shoes
No Jews…
Strike that last one"
Really speaks to Republicans actual priority when the only take they can apply to anything in society is “It’s my god given American right to ensure everybody at all times knows exactly how hard my dick gets thinking about murdering them”
Seconding Jellyfin. I used to run XBMC as God intended on my old OG Xbox but Kodi is so bloated and garbo these days from what I’ve seen.
A vague interest in taking my data away from “Big Tech” led me to get hosting a few years back and use a private email solution professionally hosted. Last year, I bought a pi then went through a breakup and didn’t touch it until recently haha.
I just had to rebuild from scratch but I’m running Flame dashboard, Vaultwarden, Nextcloud, Baikal, and a rickroll server disguised as a Docs app, because I’m a red blooded American. :P (and the boring stuff lol)
The #1 red flag to an employer is “I don’t NEED a job.” before my VA pension got bumped to 100%, I was looking for a bs job to keep busy and you could see the switch in their head flip everytime when I’d explain “I’m retired, I’m not scrambling for money I’m looking for a good fit.”
Employers lose their gdamn minds if you aren’t exploitable. They know that means if I schedule time off for a trip or concert, I’m not going to cancel with two days notice to cover some shift. They know it means I’m not going to stand for 3 managers blaming my entry level ass for their mistakes and/or incompetence. It’s garbage and really speaks to the core of capitalism.
I’m super not knowledgeable about codecs and shit, but IIRC there’s one that the rpi 4 is just garbage at dealing with. x265 I think it’s called?