You probably call them nasty people, probably say how he always knew, how you can’t trust them. Claim he would never act like that. Then probably put travel restrictions in place to prevent them from coming here and tariffs.
You probably call them nasty people, probably say how he always knew, how you can’t trust them. Claim he would never act like that. Then probably put travel restrictions in place to prevent them from coming here and tariffs.
It wasn’t a bad movie, but it had problems.
The big problem, and this is pretty common with Marvel, was a weak villain. The Leader just wasn’t a big threat. He spent most of his time in the shadows. He got very little screen time. And his motivation was also really weak. He wanted a pardon… But he was also completely capable of starting world war 3, like that doesn’t make sense. Like an iron Man 3, The Mandarin started off the movie as an epic threat… Only to be revealed to be an actor and the actual bad guy was Killian… Who was an awful villain. But you don’t even have to have a villain that’s super strong or even has great motivation as long as they’re well written, like Mysterio. Red Hulk ends up being wasted on this movie, because they had no faith they could write something people would want to see, because post Thanos they’ve kind of been fumbling the ball. But I think they seem to forget is Thanos wasn’t there from the beginning they eventually led into him.
They either needed to really lean into The Leader, or Red Hulk. Not waste both on a 2 decade late Hulk sequel that doesn’t have Bruce or the Hulk.
Now I understand all those videos of guys thinking it’s a covid test and getting mad. That looks almost identical to a covid tester I had.
You should see a doctor for better confirmation. My understanding has been, if you see positive on the test, see the doctor for actual confirmation since various things can throw the at home testers off.
Times change. You used to not be able to run Linux in Windows, but you can do that too.
I have an electric blower. But I use it to clean my gutters.
I did that in badminton. I’m the beginning I swapped hands when they weren’t looking. Once they caught on, of randomly swap whenever.
I would presume it wouldn’t matter. I don’t think icebreakers have layers and it’s just the same thing all the way through. Sorbitol, while tasting sweet, is a hyperosmotic laxative.
It may be better to address the addiction then trying to dodge the side effects.
Viscose is absolutely fine.
Most of these comments can be reduced to either
I use CLI by the way…
Hating on vscode because it’s Microsoft product and for no other reason.
A Gitlab/GitHub account is free. Vscode absolutely lets you type git commands if you prefer that, The GUI only provides access to the most common actions you will do. And I could be wrong on this, but I feel like the discard button does prompt the user that the files will be permanently deleted and you have to click okay. But maybe that only applies to tracked files, not sure off the top of my head.
And the angel said onto thee “uwu”
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People who park the wrong way in the parking lot and then dive the wrong way. I’m talking about were the lanes aren’t wide, so they’re all angled. There even arrows painted at the entrance of each lane. But there always some dipshit that pulls through, or did the dumbest maneuver you’ve seen to back into it. And then they glare at people in their way who are going the right way…
Going to the grocery store has just infuriated me with a sheer number of entitled terrible drivers. Every last one of them should be sent back to driver’s ed.
Came to say this. X is a terrible name. It’s a placeholder for so many things. Elon is so obsessed with a letter, it’s wildly stupid.
It is in fact, the call me hand from iOS
In Unicode 9, it’s label is ‘call me hand’
I get that it is the exact same symbol as other things. However, officially as an emoji it is recognized as ‘call me hand’.
My guess is to why is to not recognize any particular nation. Because the hand gesture isn’t just Shaka, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_number_gestures?wprov=sfla1 see number six.
Or see ASL, the letter Y.
This way predates cell phones. Handsets have been in use for… Nearly 100 years I think. Not sure exactly when the gesture caught on our it’s origin.
Skeptical of what? That it’s finite? Or how much is left? Or that climate change is real?
Because I’m definitely seeing people who think we have unlimited oil, that there’s always going to be more, and that climate change is not only a hoax but isn’t caused by humans at all. Some of those folks are in this thread, some of those folks I know in real life.
This thread is filled with people who don’t grasp what a finite resource is. Saying “I remember hearing that x years ago”. Sure there’s probably more it there somewhere, but we don’t need to have to the finish on this. There are are kids who are going to grow up, people who aren’t born yet. Hell, at current rates, we might fuck up things with climate change. Which, even more reason to use less.
Call me selfish, but I want my nieces and nephews, to be able to grow up into a prosperous world and not some weird dystopian hellscape.
The truck in the photo is absolutely hilarious and all the wrong ways.
It’s got early 2000s fast and furious rims.
It’s got that 1980s camper thing on the back.
The driver is like sitting halfway back the vehicle. I don’t think the front side of that entire truck could fit in the bed.
That vehicle doesn’t know if it wants to be an SUV, a van, or a truck. Really I think it got them all wrong. Slightly less awful than the Tesla truck.
That’s the one.
I want to take a wild guess and say that the word was supposed to be jump.