I have some water in my bath tub but that doesn’t make it equivalent to an ocean.
I have some water in my bath tub but that doesn’t make it equivalent to an ocean.
It’s a strange question, because first you’d have to quantify how many power lifters do not require supplements, from experience the answer is 0 but I could be wrong.
Your comment existing has a carbon footprint, doesn’t mean it should be paired with the dairy industry’s
Un-Brie-lievable is one of the only great vegan cheeses I’ve had (expensive as hell though)
Thanks for sharing, he was talked about a lot when I was a kid but I never really understood why so much. Watching this I can’t help wonder if it was because he made homophobes uncomfortable (not that he was openly gay)
It sounds like you could do with reading up on LLMs in order to know the difference between what it does and what you’re discussing.
He’s currently leading in the polls and many non Republicans sound exactly like they did in 2016 (Trump can’t win)
So at least you are saying you agree Putin’s word is worthless and he is a liar right?
How about the work of the devs that made the game…?
Congrats, you have reinvented the guiding premise of today’s republican party
*Heavily subsidized by taxpayers
And we can thank Regan for that.
Agency, that’s the difference between revenge porn and this.
It’s only a permanent stain to people who care.
The people who make a big deal out of it are the ones that should be ashamed.
Might be a good idea for you to read the article
You ever heard of liposuction? Botox? Nose reductions?
?? You believe a corporation by default is releasing accurate details in the context of clearing themselves of wrong doing?
That’s every corporation’s first step no matter how incredibly obvious that they are wrong.
Harris was the most identical candidate to Sanders possible in terms of voting record. By some measures she was more left of him.