Well those kids are obese. Probably do them some good to drop a few pounds right?
Seems like a great way to campaign, “you’re kids are fat so i am goibg to starve them to make them healthy?”
Well those kids are obese. Probably do them some good to drop a few pounds right?
Seems like a great way to campaign, “you’re kids are fat so i am goibg to starve them to make them healthy?”
Honestly i would be more worried of the fall out were he to die in office. The conspiracy theories would make JFK jr blush
So in your example Black people have no right to a service if the location does not wish to serve them? If the next closest location is a days drive away so be it? Maybe they just need to go live closer to those services?
Wouldnt need to, he would just say its legal to force you to breath and have navy/marines strap you to a chair and force a tube down your throat to make it happen.
Really none. The game walks you through rolls and what each thing does.
Having a little knowledge of how D&D works only serves to make the leveling up process go quicker since you have ideas on how to allocate stats or what specialties you take without reading through everything.
The US is a Christian nation. Just they follow Supply Side Jesus not you know the brown skinned socialist Jesus.