Always check what the manual says to do. If you don’t have it it’s almost certainly uploaded somewhere.
Always check what the manual says to do. If you don’t have it it’s almost certainly uploaded somewhere.
Gracias, México… We will try to not let someone fly a drone into the plane like what happened with the Canadians’ 😬
The darkness outside with the sunflowers peeking in the window is a very nice composition, I feel like it reflects the feeling of loss and grief while also showing the potential of hope and joy.
And condolences from an internet stranger, for what that’s worth.
Yeah, I could be on Reddit all day if I wanted to… I don’t want to, it’s radioactive at this point. Might as well go frolicking in the dump.
Sunflower seeds (good for any who have peanut allergies, plus they take longer to go rancid than nuts), raisin packs, maybe some sauces to go along with the spices? Soy sauce, vinegar, ketchup, and hot sauce will do a lot for food, plus maybe BBQ sauce.
According to OP’s previous comments the dev of this has spent 600k of their own money on this. If that claim is legitimate then feel free to draw your own conclusions about why someone with 600k to burn would spend it on an NFT crypto reddit, but without images.
Project Zomboid just released version 42 beta, so all PZ all the time for me. I’m just living the farming life and getting into the new crafting system in between smacking zombies. Very satisfying.
Technology Connections made a 25 minute video about American extension cords and why they’re dangerous, if you want to watch a long form answer.
Edit: oops, just saw I’m late to the party with this video
Even just doing this on the portion of the wall directly behind your computer will help, if you don’t want to/can’t afford to do all your walls.
The percentage of all Latino voters going up between 2020 and 2024 doesn’t necessarily mean there was more turn out from Latinos; if the voter demographics have shifted between 2020 and 2024 so that Latinos make up 1% more of the population, then they are still turning out at the exact same per capita rate as before, as a group.
Which sounds like a short time, but that’s a small shift and plenty of people turn 18 every day.
This is a good avenue to go down, before assuming mental health. I’ve had some vitamin levels through the floor and just felt like shit. It would have been very easy to misdiagnose as solely depression.
Saying something sucks in a general conversation isn’t not letting people enjoy things. Going up to someone with Funko pops and telling them how much they suck would be not letting people enjoy things. What you’re asking for is no criticism of a brand ever.
You know how gacha games exploit the same psychology as gambling addiction? I’m convinced Funko pops are like that, but for hoarding. I don’t know what it is about the brand, but you so rarely see people with just a small collection of them. It’s either none or 500.
Ah yes, but in addition to being hideous it’s also expensive and made of plastic! 😬
While it isn’t intended as food, Clancy says that it should be safe to eat, but is reticent to talk about having tried it. “It’s an ethical quandary to talk about scientific self-experimentation,” he says. “But, hypothetically, one might expect it to be chewier than you’d expect.”
Such material could be woven into bandages that allow air and moisture to pass freely, but keep bacteria out, says Clancy.
Mmm, bandage al extra dente.
I don’t know if this is still the case, but I know years back iPhones were preferred by a lot of blind people just in terms of accessibility. Digging through accessibility settings, it looks like you can use Voice Control to tell it to open Lemmy, and VoiceOver to read all the text on the screen without touching it. I don’t know about the example you added to your OP, adding phrases it would need to interpret seems more like a Siri thing (which I don’t use), so I don’t know how well that plays with Voice Control.
I wouldn’t rush out to buy anything unless some Android people confirm it’s not doable. Apple does have people that know the software working at their stores, so they could tell you specifics for sure. And check that I’m not totally wrong, lol.
Someone who knows more about how to/if you can do this on Android will have to answer the specifics for that; I know on iOS you can use custom voice control actions (along with default voice control phone navigation mode) to do more or less what you’re describing. I’m surprised if Android has no accessibility features that work similarly.
Sorry if I’m overlooking something obvious here, but you’re basically asking about accessibility features, right? Whatever settings and features blind users use should let you navigate without looking at it. I realize that’s overly vague but I only know how to get to accessibility features on iOS, sorry!
Although I will say you probably would need to get used to listening to text at a very high speed to use it at the speed you read.
Some medical tools look crude even at regular size… they don’t call orthopedics bone carpenters for nothing!