• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • First sentence of my post, for this very reason – they own the franchise, after all. The law may also change the other way but that’s very unlikely to happen in the US within 50 years.

    I wonder if they could develop a system of draconian DRM (only their own theatres with metal detectors, personalized online streams…) and mildly edit movies every few decades so that they can destroy the original and effectively renew copyright. The gaming industry’s always-online DRM makes nuking a release possible but copyright lasts for about 20 console generations (we’ve only had 8 so far!) so they don’t even have to do that.

  • OK, I kinda get it. However, I will still be drawing a rage comic about this once I get a graphics tablet.

    Rage comic idea

    ◰ Kid: *sings to a sing-along video on their tablet* “♪ now I know my ABCs ♫”

    ◳ Ghost of Karl Marx: *appears* “DON’T SAY THAT!”
    Kid: *shocked*

    ◱ Karl Marx: *monologue all over the panel* “The modern Latin alphabet is not your private property! It is in the public domain, the collective ownership of mankind, and used by all English speakers as well as by literate people all over the world with minor variations. Billions of lives were made easier with a common writing system and a standard ordering of its glyphs. Learning what countless other children in the past few centuries have mastered does not give you the right to claim ownership of this knowledge and, in fact,…”
    Kid: “Oh my god!”

    ◲ Karl Marx: *slaps kid with Das Kapital* (or maybe a better punchline, IDK)