Yes, because we know how much the right really, really, really cares about things like plagiarism, at least for certain people (see: Ward Churchill and Claudine Gay).
Let’s see how consistent they are!
Yes, because we know how much the right really, really, really cares about things like plagiarism, at least for certain people (see: Ward Churchill and Claudine Gay).
Let’s see how consistent they are!
You have the personal freedumb to look just like I want you to look. [ Stuart - Dead Milkmen ]
He’s doing that usual nonsense of “It doesN’t AffEct KidS lIkE It dOeS adultS” garbage, too, as if kids went to school in a fucking vacuum or something.
LOL, WTAF. I do think sometimes there is a certain portion of the terminally online leftists that have disappeared up their own derrieres, looking for offense in things like not being sufficiently intersectional, and generally playing silly oppression olympics, all aimed at their allies (meaning, only certain people are able to talk about certain topics and so on - it’s all so useless and pointless and probably only really results in generating more Republicans), while fascism is organizing and on the march.
Then the right keep doing completely stupid stuff like this, and I really wish those terminally online leftists would wake up and realize they need to stop all the infighting and realize the right are saying the quiet part out loud. They want to make it safe to say and do completely outrageous things to liberals, women, POC, non-xtians, anyone not straight, and so on. I think the leftists that spend so much time on policing liberals/leftists for the most minor of infractions in language or political thought would be a lot better off trying to win the hearts and minds of middle America instead of trying to find reasons to kick out their allies. Because none of their pointless theorizing will mean zilch if the right gets their way. In the most extreme of outcomes, the right will work to murder citizens that don’t meet their metrics for hegemony.
Depending on what you have a taste for, I seem to remember seeing this in Emacs:
Why is anyone even still using Xitter at all? Those that still do are part of the problem and have no real excuse for supporting the Nazi site.
I know when I hear a con talking about “freedom” and “liberty” they are talking about the Southern notion of those terms, not the meaning most people are thinking of.
They won’t be happy just ruining one shithole state.
These guys are for “liberty” like the Ministry of Truth is a bastion of truth.
Long overdue - by more than 10 years really - that it’s done at the federal level.
Yes, and all the dumbasses that rotated through his maladministration, only to fall out of favor or whatever and get dragged by donnie, too.
I like that someone on the IntarWebz called him “Deposition Karen”.
I thought airports are federal jurisdictions?
Yes, this, so much this.
I’m thinking there are going to be very interesting developments in the years to come. So many things that were considered immutable constants about life may change.
Glad they are focused on the important things.
Aw, no! :sadface:
All the ones that have stayed have told everyone exactly what their real priorities are.
Typing search terms into Google does not an argument make. Neither does calling people lazy.
“Cancel culture” is not really a thing.
It’s the Southern notion of “freedom”. Meaning you get to rule over others.