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Kind of. With hoisting, the compiler/interpreter will find variable declarations and execute them before executing the rest of the code. Hoisting leaves the variables as undefined until the code assigning the value to the variable is executed. Hoisting does not initialize the variables.
For example:
var foo;
//Expected output: console logs ‘null’
foo = ‘bar’;
var foo;
//Expected output: console logs ‘bar’
console.log(foo === undefined);
var foo;
//Expected output: console logs ‘true’
This means you can essentially write your code with variable declarations at the end, but it will still be executed as though the declarations were at the beginning. Your initializations and value assignments will still be executed as normal.
This is a feature that you should probably avoid because I honestly cannot think of any good use case for it that won’t end up causing confusion, but it is important to understand that every variable within your scope will be declared at the beginning of execution regardless of where it is written within your code.
Lmao you are actually incapable of good faith, probably because of how obviously angry you are hahaha
You are still trying to argue that your idealized theoretical version of communism is what needs to be accepted, but that a corrupted and condemned version of capitalism is what capitalism is inherently at its core. By your own standard, communism is equally abhorrent because of how it has been actually implemented in the past.
A company getting bailed out is not capitalism. It is socialism. A capitalist society implementing corporate socialism is a corruption of the core ideology of capitalism. I will agree that it is the end goal of corporatism, but corporatism is a corruption of capitalism.
And wow you really still don’t get the “no true scotsman” thing… I mean you probably do but once again, you are only putting bad faith forward. Since you clearly need it spelled out in detail, let me just copy this excerpt from the Wikipedia article on “No true Scotsman”:
The “no true Scotsman” fallacy is committed when the arguer satisfies the following conditions:[7][3][4]
not publicly retreating from the initial, falsified assertion
offering a modified assertion that definitionally excludes a targeted unwanted counterexample
using rhetoric to hide the modification
Oops, you accidentally did all those things. You never retracted your assertion, you modified the assertion with further qualifiers, and tried to downplay that further qualification. You actually pulled a “no true scotsman” on a statement about someone being a scotsman. It’s so on the nose that you MUST be a troll lmao
I think you may have read the wrong comment, because nothing you have said makes any sense in response to my comment. I’m not irritated in the slightest and nothing I have said even suggests that lmao
But please go ahead and project more
Capitalism is absolutely not functioning as intended and has 100% been corrupted… if capitalism worked as intended, then why have companies been “bailed out” from failing naturally under capitalism? Capitalism has failed just as much as everything else has failed, and has been corrupted by the people in charge just the same. Communism doesn’t work, Capitalism doesn’t work, nothing we have right now works.
And you literally still don’t understand the concept of “no true scotsman” lmao. It is also known as the “appeal to purity”. Let me be more clear:
If someone has Scottish ancestry, is born in Scotland, naturalises to Scotland, or is born and raised within largely Scottish culture, they are Scottish. It doesn’t matter where that person was born or where they live. To say that someone cannot be Scottish unless they fit your specific definition and criteria is the exact fallacy being referenced, and you actually just doubled down on that thinking that it somehow makes you not guilty of that fallacy? Wild.
Lmao what side are you on? Your entire rhetoric is equally critical of and applicable to communism. If communism is allowed to be viewed as an ideology that has been corrupted, then capitalism is exactly the same. You don’t get to cherry pick and say “you have to look at A with rose-colored glasses and you only get to accept the idealized version of it, but you must only look at the bad things that have come from B and don’t get to accept its ideals!”
Also you literally went full “no true scotsman” at the end, literally verbatim lmao. You actually just tried to say that one of the most well known fallacies is not a fallacy hahaha wtf is wrong with you
Why and how would the electronics in an airplane be melted? Airplanes are naturally a Faraday cage, and all the components are going to be EMF shielded anyways.
The only thing an airplane would need to worry about with a solar storm is the increase in radiation exposure, and even then it’s only relevant for the Flight crew who have limits on how much radiation they can be exposed to per OSHA.
Planes wouldn’t just fall out of the sky anyways lmao. Even if planes lost communications completely they are still operational flying machines. It would just be very difficult to coordinate planes landing at that point. I don’t know about the protocols, but I’m sure there exist failsafes to coordinate air traffic in the event of radio communication loss.
When you declare a genocide on a group of people don’t be surprised when they fight back.
So, to be clear here, you are condemning Israel here, correct? The ones who are actually perpetuating a genocide?
if not, make it a farmers market and people can bring the food there.
The suggestion is that this is essentially what is happening. The exact real estate that these buildings will occupy are not likely to be greatly fertile lands. They might not be farmers markets, but it’s the same point you’re making here.
Idk, the guy who mentioned it worded it similar to “he has more upvotes than any of your comments have”, which is technically true. You said it wasn’t true, suggesting he was looking at downvotes, but the fact is that BOTH his upvotes and downvotes are higher.
Hank’s first comment has 16 upvotes, your leading comment has 9 upvotes. Hank’s comment does have more downvotes, putting the total vote tally in the negative, but he technically has more upvotes.
Honest question, is that a defense that has ever actually worked for crimes this serious? I can understand something like “Your honor, I totally thought I could park there because a police officer said it was fine, but then the parking enforcement wrote me a ticket!” But not “Your honor, a very Bigly smart man said I could totally disenfranchise all of America and it is very cool and very legal!”
They do share a significant commonality, though; they are both interpreted languages, rather than compiled. Sure, you can compile them, but they are meant to be run interpreted so you can quickly and easily tweak and change things and not have to wait for compilation to see the results. In that regard they are very comparable.
Eh, my work explicitly states we can use our work laptop for personal use as long as it doesn’t interfere with work. We can even install software if we want, but there are a lot of security features that ensure you can’t put anything wonky on there.
That said, I usually steer away from social media on my work laptop, except some highly moderated and text-focused places like resetera.
I didn’t see the replies to me, but the person i responded to posted the raw uncensored output of a traceroute from their computer to twitter, and I heavily suggested that they should not do that and should remove or edit their comment.