Hot water + degreaser. Soak overnight. Rinse.
Hot water + degreaser. Soak overnight. Rinse.
First, you start a cult…
Pirate all academic articles. Heck, simply email the authors for a pdf. 99% will gladly do it.
Translation: don’t criticize Israel or Zionists. Everything else is fine.
The real title is The Hunt for Red Gollum.
No it’s not to get the dead body away from the site. It’s the body, human or animal, giving its last hurrah as a final effort against death. Life, once established is tenacious and doesn’t die without a fight if it can help it.
On 4chan /k/ a while back, an American ND’ed his gun into his hand and asked the board whether he should go to the hospital or not. It boggled my mind that he was having this conversation and I am from a 3rd world nation.
I mean, yeah? SOP for guerrillas everywhere: shoot and scoot. Duh.
> probably have to fix in 5 years
That’s a feature, not a bug (for contractors).
To be fair, ambassadors are often the last person to be told about going to war by their own leaders.
Just use a guillotine. Almost zero chance of fuck up. Dead within seconds.
Storm Shadow is what a chuuni 13 year old will name a missile.
Dear Taxpayer,
You pay $xxx.xx or we [REDACTED] you.
t. Taxman/woman/xer
Guillotine is the best ovaltine.
No. Use WOMEN for all non-combat roles. Heck, use WOMEN as DRONE OPERATORS. Farm out the job to WOMEN to pilot drones from the comfort of their living rooms. WOMEN.
Why does the “sole remaining Superpower nation” bow to a small onery loud mouthed pseudo-nation? Which one is in charge? Curious.
Sun Tzu: “Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake.”
But but but AIPAC claims they’re a small group of Israel-enthusiasts who have no big influence on American politics!!!111!!