I gotta say, that was an impressive amount of words to say nothing.
I gotta say, that was an impressive amount of words to say nothing.
No no no you misunderstood me.
I was being honest, I know nothing of rust. I have however used python in embedded systems with positive results. The product didn’t make it but for other reasons.
Funny you mention java, that’s sorta what I’m stuck in but not like you think. Beyond the fact that it’s a bloated nightmare.
I’m just a low-level programmer at heart but I have bills to pay. The rust stuff was all just a joke… i don’t know it but maybe i should. Thanks for the info.
Saying anymore about what I do is just super embarrassing but i promise i meant no ill will. Excuse my frustration, I’m locked into a proprietary system i have no control over. You would laugh your ass off if you saw it. Anyway, i meant no offense, have a good night!
Hah thanks for clarifying. I was joking too and it’s a shame I couldn’t post the results.
Though I admit i don’t know anything about rust. I’m sure I’d like it better than the proprietary garbage i use now that just gets converted to ASM / PLC code in the end. But I can’t skip the middle man. I’m not gonna try but probably 30mins for me to “write” the above.
Besides, how do you make money if I can code something in an hour as opposed to 2 days?
Wow that’s a very exhausting language. I dropped your code into an online rust to asm converter and it actually wasn’t more! I did try to post it for fun but lemmy kept messing up the code block. Oh well, wasn’t that amusing anyway!
Yeah I got you… that was a stupid thing to say. I never meant it like that. I mean hell at the end of the day you got me to look up a couple things.
It was a good lesson. And I’m usually banging heads with friends because they are judging and then i did it. Thanks for checking me.
Appreciate that but now I don’t know how to reply without sounding condescending… dammit! :) but you know, if you go back to 1995 bad boys that was how i communicated. Years later i relocated and nearly got killed for pointing out a funny and quite justified slight at a certain NFL team.
I’m not sure I have a point beyond stay trigger happy and call fuckers like me out! We all make mistakes and I have no problem being called out.
Shit, i still sound condescending don’t I? It’s just hard not to after a while. I don’t know if it’ll be Linux worthy but hit me up if you decide to try out borderlands 4. We’d be happy to have a new player in the group.
Great info, thanks. Most of my hardware is old. But that’s actually a good thing I think. I have a Lenovo ideacentre i plucked back from a friend as it was gathering dust. I upgraded the ram and SSD and installed neon on a whim and it’s amazing.
That’s what sorta started tracking me back… have continued using Linux for servers but i was impressed at that desktop. Now I know neon is a bit bleeding edge so any recommendations on a distro? I started with freebsd back in the day, then gentoo for desktop, then Ubuntu minimal for servers if that helps. Not afraid to get my hands dirty but prefer simplicity.
I found a 256GB SSD that should be enough for some testing. I need to grab some files off it but then it’s ready to go. Distro advice appreciated. Remember i just want to test :) TIA
Sorry yo, wasn’t intended that way I promise! I don’t have great people skills text based or otherwise. And actually I’m the one that sounds like an idiot anyway haha In my defense I’m quite tired and seeking excuses to not be working so yeah, my bad, no offense intended
Hah I had to look some of that up. I bet I could guess your age within a couple years. :)
DCS seems like a cash grab and travkir thing seems quite the gimmick. But i understand you wanting to play with your friends and so do they and they aren’t going to bring Linux support despite it’s likely built on it.
Windows is essentially free anyway these days so you’ll just have to suck it up for now. You can disable things like realtime scanning for a performance boost. If you can’t make your own DNS try quadr9 to block a majority of the telemetry and shit.
Being able to play with your friends is more important really. Just dual boot or use a VM to get your nix skills. I’m sure many won’t agree with me and that’s cool. There is nothing Linux can’t do, yet there are apps (or games) that will simply require windows to participate. Sucks, but that’s reality.
That’s actually pretty positive. Probably a multitude of reasons but in my very limited experience with recent games they are pushed out with tons of problems on any platform. Sometimes the game was just rushed out and this is what turned me off of games for the most part. “It’s online, we can just patch it later!”
Also not a fan of paying for the privilege of being a beta tester. Open betas used to be fun times.
That said, based on yours and others replies i think it seems worth it to dig up an old ssd and try some of my games out on Linux on my main. Honestly it seems way better than what it was years ago so I should go see for myself. Thanks!
An interesting point… i didn’t even think about the anti-cheat engines nor considered they’d be bound to windows but yeah i get it, i deal with that on licensing services.
I feel your pain on storage. It’s cheaper now but it’s all relative. I’ll save your UN and hit you up if i stumble into something that may help.
Thank you, that’s the perspective I was looking for.
And while i understand, it’s certainly not limited to games or Linux. I too just want things to work and it’s become a struggle for one reason or another. I can find a common thread on that but probably not the place for that.
I am optimistic though that gaming will continue to get better and that will be helpful. Despite all the faults it’s at least going in the right direction.
Honest question - what is the current problem(s) in Linux gaming? And I don’t mean that the way it sounds, I just haven’t done it in a long long time. I mean back then it had to have a linux specific version and you had to deal with X11 mouse input.
Now with Wayland and things like steamdeck existing I’m surprised it’s not more viable.
I’m sure it’s a long list but what are the main factors? Just a curiosity. Unfortunately I just don’t get to play games these days. Still GPU and sound driver issues? Publishers refusing to take the extra steps to make a multi platform engine work on it? Too many unknowns based on flavor of Linux installed?
I didn’t mean to imply it wasn’t possible. I have a relative that works for ITER. And similarly it’s possible but not in my lifetime i imagine.
It might seem silly to relate the 2 but it’s just a feeling… major applicable innovation seems lacking.
Also waiting on sodium-ion or glass batteries as well.
That would be amazing… imagine face planting from a stupid stunt and being like no biggie they’ll grow back. Works for kids and we already know from admittedly gross tumors the human body can grow hair and teeth. Just have to get them in the right place.
Also agree with the other comment to your post… crispr will likely be for the rich. Hell, it probably already is. A cynical view but i don’t sit at that table so who knows.
Thank you for confirming I’m not crazy. At least in that aspect. And also, as someone who has spent an insane amount of hours in that chair thank you for being a DA and dealing with us.
I could be crazy but I swear I’ve heard this a number of times before. It always seemed wonderful as my teeth tend to self-destruct. But nothing ever seems to come from it.
It would be nice if we just naturally grew a new set every 10 years or so but people with strong teeth would be quite annoyed at that especially if they had to do alignment.
That actually sounds cool. My experience with downtown areas has been less than positive… more of a maze, everything very overpriced… now that I think about it it’s very similar to a large airport.
Shame as it’d be nice to just walk around for all your needs… you’d think it would actually be more cost effective.
They don’t care really. As has been my experience anyway.
I once had my car window smashed, a mix of gear taken…some was expensive, some was personal to me. I felt violated. Called the police, explained, gave S/Ns to what I could, told them exactly who did it. He didn’t give a shit. Actually made me feel like I was wasting his time. I think Seinfeld covered this…
“We’ll let you know if we find anything” “Do you ever find anything?” “No”
But oh, my reg is out of date and the plate scanner picked it up? Boom, they really kick it into gear. So that’s $130… i could just go take care of the tags immediately with a friendly warning but now don’t even want to. And in the end I end up pretty fucked.
If only they put that effort into other things I just might have gotten my linear power amps back. Props to anyone who knows that product.