And based on the deal Trump is doing with Bukele, there’s a chance you could end up getting thrown into an El Salvadorian prison and locked up with MS-13 gangbangers.
And based on the deal Trump is doing with Bukele, there’s a chance you could end up getting thrown into an El Salvadorian prison and locked up with MS-13 gangbangers.
Moon Man isn’t really a vaporwave thing. It’s a meme that originated from YTMND in the late 2000’s which rebranded Mac Tonight as a white supremacist rapper, often accompanied with slur-filled text-to-speech parodies of various rap songs.
It’s not the reason McDonalds ditched the mascot (that was due to an entirely unrelated trademark infringement lawsuit filed by Bobby Darin’s son in 1989), but it is a big reason why they started actively pulling down Mac Tonight animatronics in their restaurants which were otherwise being left disused.
The most infamous Moon Man thing to exist is a controversial DOOM mod which replaces all the enemies with incredibly xenophobic depictions of minorities, and adds a roster of several playable characters including him, Hitler and Ben Garrison.
This is actually a very good and nuanced reply.
We’re going through similar problems in Britain. There are a lot of people from deprived communities that suffered during the seventies (Winter of Discontent, high inflation), had their manufacturing/mining jobs and access to social housing dismantled under Margaret Thatcher during the eighties, were ignored by successive leaders (John Major, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown), then suffered through austerity at the hands of David Cameron.
Meanwhile, the media had been pushing tonnes of hatred towards immigrants and to nobody’s surprise, hate crimes against Muslims and Eastern Europeans have skyrocketed. Things are so bad that we voted to leave the European Union in 2016, voted in a corrupt Tory government that pulled us out of the bloc in 2020, and given the trend of our most recent election, it’s becoming increasingly likely that we are going to vote in a far-right government by 2029 or earlier.
Was not expecting to hear “shut the fuck up you fucking corporate bootlicking simp” from Louis Rossman of all people. He’s pissed and rightly so.
I’m generally pretty anti-piracy but it’s getting harder and harder to rationalize the act of paying for things through legitimate channels when customers are punished in the oh-so-many ways Rossman described. Disney think this is a “GOTCHA” moment that will absolve them of legal responsibility for someone’s death at one of their theme parks, but this is an absolute PR disaster for them.
Can’t say much about iPhones because the last time I used iOS was about a decade ago, but I’m not a fan of Apple for how often they ask you to sign in to your Apple ID just to do anything on the App Store.
As for Android, learning how to open an app’s settings menu to force stop it and clear its cache is a godsend. It solves about 99% of technical issues I may face.
For the record, this was for a customer service outsourcer I used to work for. I wasn’t directly employed by Associated Newspapers and I’d say a good deal of the internal managerial and pay issues I had were down to my employer, not the client. Only thing I miss about that place were my colleagues. I had made some life-long friends in that place and there were a lot of great people who came and went.
As for management, one or two team leaders aside, they were a clique of nepotistic assholes.
I was fired from that job nearly three years into my employment (long after we lost the AN contract and I moved to a different campaign) for ‘capability’ reasons, after they dragged me through a month-long PIP and disciplinary process for failing to hit targets. Our whole email team was failing to hit performance targets and I was effectively scapegoated and bullied out of the company by a team leader who didn’t like me. In retrospect it was the best thing to ever happen to me, because had I not been sacked, I’d probably still be there on min wage and not working in commercial finance today.
It’s absolutely the same mindset as boomers complaining about technology these days because they don’t want to learn how to download a mobile app.
I’m really not too sure about that.
Used to work in customer service for a major right wing (Daily Mail) newspaper, and that included tech support for their rewards club website, their newspaper reading Android/iOS/Kindle Fire app, and their bookshop website.
Pensioners struggle with technology and I really don’t think it’s just stubbornness and ignorance. I genuinely think that your ability to learn and remember things diminishes greatly as you grow older.
It was one of the worst jobs I worked in, not just because trying to explain how to do basic things like open a web browser, type in a URL or force stop and clear the cache on an Android app to a 90+ year old is like pulling teeth, but because we were paid like crap, treated like children by management, treated like shit by a lot of customers, and because we used to get a lot of editorial calls from people thinking we could put them through to a journalist so they could spout their often bigoted views. So glad I work in accountancy now. The worst customer support jobs are the ones where callers frequently go full Karen on you.
He could alternatively go to…
Stackoverflow or Superuser, where the answer will be “use the search bar you imbecile, locked.”
Quora, where every question is blatant rage bait like “my 14 year old son got a B in his test. I took away his PS5 and chained him in the basement as punishment but his grades aren’t improving. How can I make him better at math?”
Yahoo Answers which is dead, and was basically Quora before Quora was a thing.
Or Reddit, where you can’t even post on 95% of subs without hitting a minimum karma threshold and where some basement dwelling mod will likely ban you for breaking hidden rule #263, then modmail mute you for 28 days without reply if you try to appeal.
I think any Q&A site is absolute dog water now.
John McAfee would be spinning like a rotisserie chicken in his grave. Or at least he would be if McAfee Software hadn’t already turned to shit long before his death.
So the temp files are still identified, but anybody smart enough to figure out the code is also likely smart enough to know that calling the developer will not help get rid of the file.
Don’t underestimate the stupidity of your average person.
Because stroking the bratwurst can be addictive and lead to destructive behaviours.
The same place that regularly bullies and bear-baits ‘lulcows’ for entertainment? The same people who bullied an autistic adult over a shitty Sonic fan character webcomic?
My Instagram and Threads feeds are like that. Not YouTube.
In terms of the more populous instances, I think Lemmy reminds me of old Reddit before the site went mainstream, minus the jailbait, incest-posting, rampant racism and other degenerate shit that Reddit used to be known for.
Isn’t Java known for spitting out random errors?
Public opinion is definitely skewing more towards Palestine, at least here in Britain. Where I live, I genuinely saw a pro-Palestine march back in October attended by thousands, along with Palestinian flags waved everywhere around town. Haven’t seen any Israeli flags or marchers by comparison, and I don’t think that’s out of fear.
The only people I’ve seen genuinely throw support towards Israel have been Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer.
I can’t say I’m surprised that people like Andrew Tate, Steven Crowder, Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro have gained quite the social media following. Society has failed a lot of young men, and the oligarchy that controls our world has a lot to answer for.
Men are disproportionately affected by a lot of the socioeconomic issues currently plaguing the Western world because despite decades of progress towards creating an egalitarian society, men are the ones who are negatively impacted if they cannot provide. Look at the US and how judicial decisions on child custody and alimony are heavily favoured towards women as a very good example of this.
And before you dispute me on this notion, can you offer any other explanation for why the biggest role model for a lot of teenage boys is some bloomy rind dick cheese who looks like a spitting image of the Stonks meme guy?
Standard Tate Society W.
Speaking as a Brit myself, yes a lot of us are this dumb.
I’ve seen more intelligence in low elo League of Legends lobbies than from (especially older) voters in this country.
Like, there are people who legitimately think the influx of Muslim and African immigration in our country is the EU’s fault.
Britain: “Screw the EU. We’re sick of following your regulations and welcoming your people into our country just to steal our jobs from hardworking British workers and scrounge off of our NHS and welfare state. But we still want to trade freely and come live in your countries whenever we feel like it, because we’re massive xenophobic hypocrites who think the entire world still revolves around us.”
France: “Fruckoff.”
I don’t think you’ll want to risk prison time, especially when you risk being locked up alongside MS-13 gang members.
Trump has agreed a deal with Nayib Bukele that will effectively allow him to deport illegal immigrants of any nationality to El Salvador and transfer US prisoners to their facilities.