Deflecting. That’s kind of weird, but not surprising.
Deflecting. That’s kind of weird, but not surprising.
OP sjmarf, I tried to feel you out a bit, hard to get a read on your age based on your comment history. But I gather you live in the UK. Idk if you’ve always lived there, or immigrated.
I was a younger American at the time of 2009 Inauguration, but I can tell you the general feeling in the air that day: fucking excitement. It was truly electric; whether you were for or against Obama, you’re just kind of forced to take a few steps back & go… Wow. America has officially elected a black President. It was unprecedented, it was almost kind of strange because you’ve got people always screaming about how racist America can be. But there we were. Obama was handsome. Charismatic. Hell, if I were in town, I probably would have been there, too. Just for the sheer spectacle of it all & witnessing history unfold.
Going from that to another white (/orange) man taking the office, kinda old hat, kinda business as usual. I’m telling you, there’s simply no honest way to compare the two events.
I also want to take a moment & say thank you for your content creation & possibly upkeep on the Lemmy platform. I had to filter out your posts, there’s so much material you’ve contributed. Thanks. 👍🏻
I am looking at it almost every day. Ngl you’ve picked a terrible time to have this conversation as everyone is going wild over Ava Kris Tyson and all the alleged inappropriate messages he sent to minors, etc. Lot of weird stuff there. 😅
There’s sexual abuse of children everywhere. Epstein Island, right? And idc if you’re gay, straight, trans, white, black, brown, etc. All abusers should be accountable.
I would argue there’s no need to create a culture war; we are in one. Right now & probably since 2012-ish. It’s wishful thinking on my part, but we really need to come together as a nation. Restore law, order, and decency. Find things we can agree on instead of tearing everybody down. If we can’t do that, I don’t think we’re going to make it.
You still don’t have an answer, just the smallest smartass responses. Looks like you’re known for them. Your life appears to be…very small. Maybe you should try working harder. 🙃
Again, not mad. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
Die sad about it. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
Baseless, empty claims 🙃🙃🙃🙃
It’s just sad.
Go in peace, keyboard warrior.
More excuses, more empty words, more deflecting & not answering the simple questions. Again. Go fuck yourself. Or don’t. Nobody cares. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 😂
I am not mad, you still fail to define how I am a Nazi (because you & everyone else knows your premise is bullshit), and you certainly don’t have the authority to tell me what to do. So go fuck yourself. Or don’t, nobody cares.
The more you overuse (and misuse) a term, the less it means.
FWIW I don’t respect you at all, either.
Here we go. 🙂 FTR, I classify Trump as… Old-school Democrat, Left+1. If you will. He supports the right for abortion, which is unthinkable for hardcore Republicans. Those crazy-ass single issue voters. AKA, morons.
First sentence of paragraph two I suspect is colored by your political leanings… The rest tbh holds some merit, but what’s the alternative? Braindead Biden to the moon?? Oh wait nevermind, now it’s totally Kamala, the person everybody despised & ridiculed until 5 minutes ago the blessed Savior of duhmoocracy, the best & brightest (lol) to be the leader of the free world.
I readily admit, Trump isn’t our best. But without 8 years of Obama, there wouldn’t be a Trump, and without a Trump there wouldn’t be a Biden, and here we are again & Biden is so fucking gone. Everybody knew it. Somebody wanted Trump dead, because he actually has a chance of winning, if he didn’t an attempt wouldn’t be made.
So now it’s Kamala (lol) vs Trump. My odds are on Trump unless some loser tried to murder him. Again. Kamala has no successes or record to stand on; she’s an embarrassment. And a socialist. But I repeat myself. 🙃
The American public is forced to choose between two radically different candidates. Neither is close to ideal.
I will close with saying I respect you for honest discourse, not an anonymous downvote or saying any of the following I’ve gotten recently: “Lol”, “You are the yikes”, or “I am so totally persecuted for identifying as a super special limited edition pansexual glow in the dark holographic yo-yo, and I refuse to elaborate any further on substantial details that back up my claims to victimhood. I’m just going to post some random-ass claim to make you feel bad & illegitimately claim a moral high ground”.
Trumpism has culty aspects. Agreed. But the alternative is Kamala Harris. Not choosing Trump means choosing Harris. Just another election cycle of choosing between two very different, not ideal extremes.
Your take is fucking stupid & not based in fact. Nazi sympathizer? Please explain how I sympathize with Nazis.
More context is needed. You existing as a trans person doesn’t bother me at all, 0%. I have no interest in continuing debate if you are being persecuted for existing as a trans person.
…idk about your personal situation that is calling for labeling you a pedophile. I have a friend that technically qualifies for indecent exposure in public/sex offender, he needed to take a drunk piss at 1 AM, so in spirit I empathize. Common sense screams, more clarification is needed for sure.
The answer is simple. We are expanding the definition of, and redefining, Nazis. I’m familiar with the general ideology of the group & how we might classify thoughts as adjacent, but I don’t see Republicans shoving Jews, homosexuals, special needs, and gypsies into concentration camps/gas chambers/ovens.
It’s hard to draw lines. But I’m just going to shoot from the hip here & say, it seems to me like there’s a group of people that wants not only all kinds of freedoms. But also recognition. Accolades. Worship. Dominance in the public space. Anyone that opposes this stupid agenda -yes, agenda- is a Nazi. So we equate Republicans & conservatives with murderous fuckheads that genocide entire groups of minorities. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Yep, it’s the same picture, totally the same thing, your beliefs are correct & your so-called righteous indignation is justified. We call them all Nazis, historically the worst kind of people, which of course justifies any kind of hatred or violence in response.
Shoot Trump in the head. It’s more than okay, we celebrate assassination attempts, because he’s literally Cheeto Hitler. He’s the death of duhmoocracy. Please kill Donald Trump. If he’s elected, it’s the end of the United States of America, there will be no more elections. He will be a dictator, he’ll never leave, duhmoocracy will be gone forever. No more duhmoocracy. Whatever will happen to America…if we lose our precious duhmoocracy? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
I want every American to analyze the situation, logically. Consider what is best for the United States. Getting back to the main discussion: look back at the Nazis in Nazi Germany & everything they did. Are genocidal German Nazis actually making a comeback? Or are we just…labeling everybody we don’t like a Nazi & therefore (grossly, stupidly) expanding the definition of Nazi to conveniently demonize the other side?
Even if it is – I’m interested in seeing how it performs. Feed some rats 3-5x the recommended amount, see what happens. Have some long term studies.
If it is the same as what we use, right now, for a lessened cost or environmental impact, that is still worth exploring.
The message of Christianity is excellent for subjugating populations, giving them purpose & hope, keeping people busy & out of trouble. I think that all sounds very appealing to rulers.
To echo, it’s not really better, just different & smaller. Just slightly less toxic. It’s not owned by Spez, the greedy little pigboy. 3rd party apps aren’t killed for no good reason over here.
Moving to a substantially smaller community of people does have its drawbacks; there is brain drain & stagnation in small hobby communities. Be it roasting coffee, brewing beer, or weed…not nearly as many brains, let alone good brains, and less content generation. There’s less knowledge, making it objectively less useful.
I use Sync for Lemmy & idk I find it hard to navigate to, find new communities. Half of the time I stumble upon one by sheer accident.
But the memes can be really good, it’s still a news/info source, and for me being a conservative it gives me some insight into how “the other side” thinks, possibly even why.