Summarized TL;DR:
Trip > Cat
Sometimes you gotta cancel to be a good human. I’ve done it before.
No matter what they wish for, no matter how far they go, people can never be anything but themselves. That’s all.
Summarized TL;DR:
Trip > Cat
Sometimes you gotta cancel to be a good human. I’ve done it before.
Similar to Locatarr?
Sounds like a bad firewall rule somewhere.
Agree, they’re making all the wrong moves lately
Jellyfin is nowhere near the better option, it’s just a not-terrible dev.
Plex is refined and easy to get external users not familiar with tech up and running. Plex looks better. Plex transcodes better.
No hate for Jellyfin, just calling it how I see it.
There is too much to decipher here
Could you give us even the slightest bit of detail? What containers? Did you try pinging the device?
This is boomer humor style, but I like it. I got a good laugh.
Thanks for sharing! I need to get mine running again.
Anyone got screenshots of the new UI?
Man it does stink. Get some of them up on GitHub or Gitlab if you can.
No, I’m summarizing their post where they make it obvious the trip is more important than the cat, thus Trip > Cat