By your logic, just blame the parents. They have the ultimate responsibility.
By your logic, just blame the parents. They have the ultimate responsibility.
Right. And how are you supposed to train an algorithm to filter out any stupid thing a kid might try that’s dangerous? The possibilities are endless. Maybe the parents shouldn’t let their 13 year olds have unrestricted phones and access to tik tok.
I can’t hold them responsible for every dumb thing kids spread and try doing on their platform. You can’t expect everything to get regulated and removed in an instant. Watch your damned kids and don’t let them have tik tok to begin with. Then accept that a person dying isn’t always someone else’s fault. Your kid dying because he seen a thing on the internet to take a bunch of benadryl, then goes and steals your benadryl and overdoses on it, isn’t the internets fault.
I hate tik tok, but this is so dumb. Right down to the bullshit of requiring an office in Venezuela in a mere 8 days. Like 8 days is a realistic amount of time to set up and run an office in a foreign country.
Kids have been doing idiotic shit to themselves since the dawn of time. Tik tok or youtube didn’t cause this. Even back in the days before internet existed there was a “challenge” in my grade school where you touched your toes twenty times real fast and than had the big guy in class squeeze you in a bear hug from behind to make you pass out. Pretty sure that on killed some kids too.
The first movie was great and not too completely unbelievable. But every movie got a bit more outlandish. By the 4th, the bullet proof suits went full on fantasy land and Keanu got up like 7 different times from things that would have killed a person. 4 was a fun flick to watch, but it’s time to let him rest.
I skimmed his video, but don’t recall him giving any mention to weird science. I think it’s a solid contender. Very 80s.
But by the metrics he decided to whimsically select on what makes up the 80’s, it didn’t have enough montages or Russians or wealth/business stuff to get a high mark.
While I agree that Rocky 4 is extremely 80’s, I disagree with his 80"s metrics.
I keep and wash my whites separate in hot or warm water. Everything else goes together in cold water. Wool stuff gets air dried, while the rest gets the dryer.
Add a cup of white vinegar to the wash with the clothes if anything is extra smelly, during the wash cycle/beginning.
Oh. Sharing too much stuff as public information can actually make it harder to get a conviction if they do find the guy. It’s normal to not make public every single photo and video of a suspect. They’ll release some of the most likely info to help ID and find a person and keep the rest for the prosecution.
It would end up so lame if it was just the ceo’s wife that hired a hit man and the casings were only a red herring.
Not really? Why is that interesting?
That’s what the bullet casing engravings would suggest. As far as cameras go…it’s hard to not be on one anywhere.
No, dumbass. They’re obviously getting confused and mixing people up…
Hate speech doesn’t silence non hate speech.
Due to it being a right handed world, most lefties are much better at using their non dominant hand for things. I can operate power tools, golf putt, easily drive a stick shift in any country, and do all sorts of things with my dominant or non dominant hand. Sometimes if I’m doing something that’s making my hand or arm tired, I’ll just do it with the other. Sure, it’s not as good as using my left hand, but it still gets the job done.
Bonus points when playing pickleball or table tennis or tennis or whatever and I switch hands to reach and hit an otherwise out of reach ball in just the nick of time.
Seems that doesn’t work quite as well in tennis, where pretty much all the time 15 to 25% of the top 100 ranked players are left handed.
Says who? Who decided that free speech got an asterisk? Who makes and enforces the rules and limitations?
That’s free speech with an asterisk. It also means you have this big gray area and someone policing and deciding what is and isn’t hate speech, so you won’t ever see completely free speech thoughts from everyone.
You can’t have your cake, and eat it too. Having rules against what can be said or talked about means you’re in a bubble, for better or worse.
Just to be clear; are you wanting heavy metal music that’s only instrumental? Or are you wanting heavy metal music where the vocalist doesn’t sound like a small angry demon with a cold that just got karate chopped in the throat?
The “with color enhancements” part makes me just want to see it as it would naturally look.
I didn’t want to type out paragraphs worth talking to a brick wall.
It’s not the internet job to safeguard your kids. That’s the bottom line. All of this regulation and moderation is just stepping stones further to a controlled and moderated internet. Y’all just want to slowly add more and more limitations and training wheels to life and you’re giving up our own freedoms and rights to do it.
Tell me, who decides where the line is drown between allowable and not allowed? How are millions of hours of content supposed to be moderated by decency police to make that decision? How well do you think something automated can be that would do it?
The fine isn’t the point. Yeah, ten million is nothing to a large company. But what it really does is create censorship “for the children”.