I don’t really value user friendliness, I wanted scripts that I could easily launch through a rofi menu system, home assistant seems to be a full GUI in and of itself, but I don’t really know much about it.
I’m an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.
Your local herpetology guy.
Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!
I don’t really value user friendliness, I wanted scripts that I could easily launch through a rofi menu system, home assistant seems to be a full GUI in and of itself, but I don’t really know much about it.
Yeah, my real issue was that I erroneously assumed
from lifxlan import LifxLAN
WOULD import the Light function, but of course, it does not, I didn’t realize that when you do a from import you’re just importing a single specific command and not the whole library, and just used it like it was in the examples they gave, but thank you for the comment and this community is awesome, just that you were willing to write that all that out just to help me understand is incredibly kind, thank you!
I just want you to know I figured it out RIGHT BEFORE you wrote this, but this is still awesome and super helpful and thank you so much!
I use vimium c
Hey, they got a strongly worded letter.
There was a one-time sign-out with this release due to an issue with logins, see if the issue is still occurring for you, if it is, it’s likely a browser-side configuration issue.
The logout is normal, it’s because there was an issue with the way logins worked before, that shouldn’t happen on future releases, but that is to be expected this release.
Unfortunately that’s an issue for boost and liftoff to fix on their end.
Is it normal that opening comments now completely refreshes the page instead of automatically loading the page semi-dynamically? if I click the comments button on beehaw the whole page doesn’t have to reload, and it’s actually faster. This seems like an annoying regression, is there a technical advantage to this?
edit: on further analysis, it doesn’t do a full page load when you go to your username > profile
or when you click on comments from the link, so, I think this is actually a bug.
Actually, they’re not endangered anymore!
I really hope so, as far as I’m concerned that means we’ve won.
Simply have no estate and it’s all wins!