Modern day conspiracies are so shit because they’re all like 2 degrees removed from some antisemetic bullshit. The flat earth conspiracy has been hijacked by neonazis for fucks same.
Not in a union yet? Not a problem. Become a Wobbly and join the only anticapitalist union out there.
Modern day conspiracies are so shit because they’re all like 2 degrees removed from some antisemetic bullshit. The flat earth conspiracy has been hijacked by neonazis for fucks same.
You underestimate just how propagandized we are over here. The State hardly needs to invest in propaganda when “grind/hustle” culture exists. Are you in a position where you have to choose between health or financial ruin? That’s on you for not hustling hard enough.
No intrusive thoughts just intrusive actions.
It’s fundamental to Zionism, not Judaism.
Not at all.
Feels like the crux of this whole thing is that housing shouldn’t be an investment.
Hip-hop artists also rap about it pretty frequently.
“Land conflicts” is such chickenshit phrasing here when the Zapatistas have been holding out here for a while.
The economy is doing great. That means all the poors are getting poorer, just as intended.
“Type M (BS 546) Plugs They are distinguished from Type D plugs by their larger pins and current rating of 15A. The central earthing pin is 28.89 mm long and 8.71 mm in diameter, while the hot and neutral pins are both 18.94 mm long, 7.06 mm in diameter, and spaced 25.4 mm apart.”
This is the first result I got from a quick Google search. Today we learned, friend.
The invisible hand of capitalism gropes us all, once again.
Pay attention, folks, this is the result of prolonged ivermectin butt-chugging.
Because the federal government isn’t all that motivated to do anything about it. Republicans are evil and Democrats are apathetic.
The reactionary in me thinks “life in solidarity confinement without the chance of parole.”
The me in me says he needs a long time in some sort of rehabilitation program. As much of a monster as he is, he’s a bit of a victim. May he be studied so that we can pinpoint and prevent others from following his path.
Are y’all not tired of this? States only enforcing what benefits the State? Of course they’re not going to uphold international law, there needs to be an enemy to justify the existence of the State.
It’s a bit of a cultural problem, isn’t it? In capitalist America, staying healthy is unAmerican.
Hard disagree. Unions have taken political stances on numerous occasions throughout history. It’s one of the most effective tools the working class has to fight imperialism. Imperialism is something the working class should fight against.
First of all, good for you. Genuinely.
Second of all, please do your part to keep it that way. I’m not saying this is your new life goal but if anyone even brings up the idea of privatizing your healthcare system you tell them to move to America instead of fucking up what you have.
I wish that was enough.
Probably something illegal that would end with consequences on us instead.