No. It was for a Star Wars roleplay but not a video game. It started life in the newsgroup de.rec.sf.starwars
Ah, ok, nice! Was that the old D6 version, or the newer D20 one?
and I played the role of Emperor.
You dark person you! 😜
All posts/comments by me are licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
You can read my (and others) reasoning for using the license here.
No. It was for a Star Wars roleplay but not a video game. It started life in the newsgroup de.rec.sf.starwars
Ah, ok, nice! Was that the old D6 version, or the newer D20 one?
and I played the role of Emperor.
You dark person you! 😜
Apologies for being off-topic, but the domain name, “swg-empire.de”, does the ‘swg’ part ‘Star Wars Galaxies’ by chance?
Are those regular moons, or ‘minor’ moons?
Was this movie even marketed / advertised for at all? I haven’t seen anything for it online or on TV.
Was quick browsing for openwrt and found the banana pi r3.
One thing that surprised me when I was looking to upgrade my old router ith OpenWRT is if a firmware for your router supports ALL of the features/hardware of that router. In my case, Wifi support was not supported, so I had to disregard using OpenWRT as a choice.
So be sure to look carefully at the firmware that you find. I personally had just thought that if a firmware exists for your hardware that all of the major (but maybe not minor) features would be supported, and that is not always the case.
For what it’s worth, most of your comments aren’t eligible for copyright; they aren’t sufficiently original or information-packed. Just like @onlinepersona@programming.dev and their licensing efforts, it’s mostly a vanity to attach a license to unoriginal one-line throwaway jokes. I wouldn’t say that it’s arrogant so much as lacking in self-awareness; a one-liner must be deeply insightful, contain a pun or paraprosdokian, address the current zeitgeist, or otherwise be memorable above and beyond the time and place that contextualized it.
I disagree. And last I checked, I have awareness on the subject. It’s been discussed very often with me here on Lemmy (much less on Reddit for some reason).
Your measurement of what is content is not legally factual. One’s opinions, of any length (and I think it’s safe to say that my opining has not been short in nature) is legally considered as content.
You may not like my content, but it doesn’t mean you can disavow it as content in the first place.
And once more, as a friendly reminder. If you feel my content is not content, feel free to block me.
From the article, the reason for the closure is the upcoming Online Safety Act.
I’m quoting you, but okay. I’ve made my point, I rather not discuss it further either.
Also, the pattern is getting repetitive and noticeable.
Have a nice day.
I do stand by what I said about derailing a conversation though, I would say that to anyone, under the same circumstances.
I don’t think gatekeeping others with “you can only talk about the thread topic” is a healthy way to do that, so we diverge there.
I’m not going to stop doing it and, if you look around, you’ll see plenty of others doing it too, so I’m in good company there.
It’s nicer if we let conversation flow naturally and don’t set arbitrary constraints - the mods can do that via the community rules if they want to but, again, you won’t find many examples of that either.
My understanding is that derailing any conversation, hijacking it, has been frowned up socially, both in 1) social media (since the days of dialing into BBS sites with our modems), as well as 2) in real life. Something that is considered harmful/distractful to the ACTUAL conversation being had.
Fun fact. “Conversation Hijacking” is even used in nefarious ways as part of social engineering to get into your computer (actually true, look it up). That it is a type of phishing scam.
Are you saying that is no longer the case, that it is ok to derail/hijack a conversation?
The links I supplied above seem to say otherwise, and that’s my understanding of the current consensus of the Internet/Humanity.
If my comments make you feel sad, feel free to block. 🤷♂️
Actually, I would want/expect everybody to vote for whomever they wanted to, Democratic, Republican, Green, Independent, etc. etc.
My saying what I said is to opine that we need an accurate count/evaluation of what the WHOLE country thinks, and not 60ish% of it. And something tells me that if everybody voted, we wouldn’t have a 49/49/2% pattern of the choosing who would lead.
Why be like that? Whether you think their position is silly or not, this person obviously gets called out on this a lot.
Well, at least he’s being more polite about it than this guy …
“I will be shitting on you and your stupid fucking license vociferously from here on out because you’re an arrogant egotistical asshole.,”
But yeah, didn’t think responding with informative links would be considered as disrespecting someone. 🤷♂️
And rather than pitch a fit over being needled about it for the umpteenth time, they responded with links that ought to satisfy any genuine curiosity. Considering the times I’ve seen an empty “Go educate yourself!” as a response from petulant children, I’d say buddy did us a solid. They don’t owe us a personalized response.
Originally I was just telling people to look through my chat history, as I had discussed the same topic many many times before, and didn’t want to detail the conversation by having to talk about it again.
But I was told that that was rude of me to do, and someone suggested I supply links instead. So I did. But apparently that’s not the right thing to do either.
I actually have been trying to work with the community about this in good faith, but each thing I do something as a compromise it seems to be complained about anyway, never satisfying those who dislike me having a license declaration.
At this point I’m just sticking with the smaller font and using links when someone asks me about the license, there’s nothing else I can do to satisfy those people who object, and I’m NOT going to discontinue licensing my content.
Appreciate the civility support, thank you.
I don’t particularly like being lumped in with a bunch of jerks who’ve treated you badly tbh, but equally if you’re feeling harassed I’m happy to put a pin in this.
I won’t lie, I’ve been harassed so much (sincerely, check out my posting history, its a trip) that at this point its hard to distinguish people who are just curious, and people who are truly rude/trolling/intellectually dishonest. If you’re one of the former, my apologies.
I do stand by what I said about derailing a conversation though, I would say that to anyone, under the same circumstances.
Have a nice day.
Derailing a conversation? That’s a bit dramatic… And now you are doing it by your own measure. I was just having a conversation, in a comment thread man. Chill out.
Are we talking about why fastDOOM is fast right now? No, we’re not. That’s called derailing a conversation.
As far as me chilling out, I’ve actually had someone else say this to me…
“I will be shitting on you and your stupid fucking license vociferously from here on out because you’re an arrogant egotistical asshole.,”
There’s a history with people harassing me about using an open-source license in my comments. Just check out my posting history, and you’ll see that I’m not being dramatic at all.
wtf is wrong with our society right now? What the actual fuck?
You can get away with allot when you have the right bread and circuses (or religion) going on.
I remember decades ago, when Reagan started defunding cheap/free education. Felt like a “long plan” move back then, and seeing what I see now, I think it was.
To be fair though, the “Champions of The Middle ClassTM” party is too busy doing fellatio to their rich donor base to win the right votes.
Would help if everybody voted, and not just 63.9%.
Repetitiveness is worse to see than derailing a conversation.
Because if it was slow, the name wouldn’t make sense.
Unless they were in a Time dilation field.
Sounds like good times, indeed.
This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0