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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021


  • … How many villages in southern Lebanon has the IDF captured, again?

    Let me guess, you think declaring victory and running away in 2006 meant they won, right?

    Man, you should talk to Emperor Gowron. You guys share some ideas.

    Edit: and no, cutting edge weapons systems on the Iranian/Russian side have not been used. The west would literally salivate at the opportunity to get some real world data on the S500.

    Also, the purpose of American weapons systems is not to be the best. The purpose is to be an expensive and effective way to funnel middle class money to the stock holders of Boeing and Raytheon. Good military systems are as effective as they need to be while being cheap enough to manufacture in large numbers. An anti missle defense system that costs 2 million per missile intercepted when the missiles themselves cost 10 - 100k is an absolute failure, even if it intercepts everything it targets.

    Frankly, the country with the most impressive drone program in the world is Yemen.

  • So inferior that the Israel strike that was supposed to accomplish SEAD turned and fled when target locked by an unknown anti air defense system?

    Most (including US) current generation weapons systems have been untested. There is a reason and a strategy for all weapons producing countries doing the same thing. Using current generation systems where their effectiveness can be studied by the enemy is giving the enemy free information.

    In other words, using qualifiers like inferior or superior for literally untested weapons(and yes, weapons are untested until used against an enemy) Is purely a faith/propaganda thing.

  • Fine, then the fact that Iran hit many of the targets has become public despite the Israelis best attempt to censor that information from coming out should tell you everything you need to know.

    So should the fact that Iran got through with their first attack despite preemptively giving the targets to US/Israel, and that US did most of the interceptions at the cost of 1 billions dollars, and Israel used up most of its stock of ammunition.

    By the by, given the cost of the ballistic missiles and the cost of the interceptors, hitting nothing is still a success. Not that that is relevant to this conversation give the fact that we know they did hit quite a few of their targets.

    EDIT: Speaking of, a drone attack from Hezbollah hit a mess hall for a military base in Haifa. 67 confirmed casualties reported so far. Iron Dome didn’t even detect it.