Nooooooo you just destroyed Leftism noooooo 🫠
Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us
He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much
Marxist-Leninist ☭
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Nooooooo you just destroyed Leftism noooooo 🫠
The fear/adoration for Hitler on the far right comes from a fear of Germany successfully colonizing Europe and the rest of the world, the adoration from wanting to do it again on their terms.
Eh, three arrows isn’t really a good source either. Being against Socialism/Communism (one of the arrows in the 3) is a big red flag for attacking claims of Nazis being Socialist. A much better source would be Blackshirts and Reds by Dr. Michael Parenti.
For anyone that agrees with Musk here, I recommend reading Blackshirts and Reds. Socialism and Communism are fundamentally polar opposites to fascism in who they served and how they functioned. Communism has always been about uplifting the Proletariat, while Fascism served the interests of the bourgeoisie and sought to turn Imperialism towards the rest of Western Europe, not just the Global South.
Eh, three arrows isn’t really a good source either. Being against Socialism/Communism (one of the arrows in the 3) is a big red flag for attacking claims of Nazis being Socialist. A much better source would be Blackshirts and Reds by Dr. Michael Parenti.
Balkanizing the US would legitimately be fantastic for the Global South.
You chose to post the article and have been getting into fights with people in the comments. I support China overall, there are areas that definitely need improvement but the trends are positive and they are a much more progressive force on the global stage than a country like the US. Moreover, I don’t even live in China so my opinion wouldn’t be counted on a poll taken from Chinese citizens.
Probably not, but that’s not the point of my original comment, that the headline you chose seems to imply only LGBT erotica was targeted. I think you should check out the links I sent, you might learn something new and can be more hopeful for the future.
The people in China approve the government at about a 95% approval rate. The CPC has 96 million members out of the 1.4 billion citizens of China, while this is not mean the government is the people, the people do seem to be represented by government well there. And this is backed by improving material conditions. LGBT conditions are improving over time as well, Jin Xing is an openly transgender celebrity and she is beloved by the country. You should also look into how China’s democracy works, as it is based from the bottom up in consensus building, which is why grassroots change is slow yet sure.
When sharing an article highlighting that LGBT erotica was targeted, and not erotica in general, you attempt to twist and massage a narrative. Even state media reports are quite positive and open minded regarding the LGBT community for supposedly being “firmly against them.” Demographics within the National Party Congress are changing towards a younger demographic as well. The older generations oppose same-sex marriage, while the younger generations are for it, so these changing demographics are positive for same-sex marriage outlook. You don’t really seem to know what you’re talking about at all, and it shows.
Regarding your targeted question, I myself am pansexual, of course I want same-sex marriage to be legalized in China. There are already strides being made in the direction of legal and medical rights for couples even without being legally recognized as a marriage, but this is positive change. I hope China follows in Cuba’s footsteps with their Family Code, one of the most progressive and expansive in the world, far surpassing the US at a federal level. Signs are positive.
China should definitely be better about LGBT rights, don’t get me wrong, but they have been improving steadily over the years, the youth are more socially progressive and have been pushing for change, which is coming gradually. Overall, this is very much an instance of intentionally obscuring the real character of the events in order to push a narrative.
Worth reading the article, all erotica was targeted, as porn is illegal in China. Implying only gay erotica was targeted implies a homophobic focus, when it was anti-pornography.
Important distinction.
Fallout: New Vegas, specifically my Permadeath run. I still replay it, just not that same way.
Would certainly be a Leftist victory, arguing whether or not an action is leftist is semantics.
The US Empire punishing its former colonies.
The USA has always and forever represented the will of the Bourgeoisie. The issue we are seeing now is further and further separation between the Proletariat and a smaller and smaller concentration of the Bourgeoisie due to Capitalism’s centralizing nature. The silver lining is that this same centralizing process makes Socialism even easier to implement once the Proletariat siezes control, as these large intricate networks have already developed their own infrastructure for planning that can be folded into the Public Sector, the hard part is getting over that threshold of power.
Frankly, this is wrong. I am not trying to be rude here, so please don’t take it that way, but as you admitted in the original post you aren’t very informed on this subject to begin with. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend reading my top-level reply to this thread as well.
First, to get the obvious sticker out of the way, the Russian Federation is undeniably Capitalist, Socialism was dissolved and the former state was sliced up and sold for parts at garage sale prices to wealthy Capitalists. The USSR was dissolved in the early 1990s, 3 decades ago, and with it the Socialist economy was also dissolved. An estimated 7 million people died due to the sudden destruction of the economy and the utter crumbling of previously government provided services, like free healthcare and education, a process known as “Shock Doctrine.”
Secondly, Fascism and Communism. You really need to read the book I recommended, Dr. Michael Parenti has an easy to read writing style packed with wit and rigorous historical analysis, however I will respond as best I can to the points you yourself brought up.
It is correct that both Fascism and Communism have an “in-group” and an “out-group,” but if you don’t actually see which group is represented and which group is oppressed by which system, you come to false conclusions. Fascism’s in-group is undeniably the national bourgeoisie, the Capital owners that profited immensely off of the various fascist movements, such as Ford, Hugo Boss, Krupp, many of which exist to this day in some form. The out-group is also undeniably the proletariat, the working class. Often times, somewhat due to the Nietzchian influence, ethnic groups such as Jewish peoples and Slavic peoples were targeted, along with any organized members of the working class, especially Communists. Fascism is a sort of “immune system” for Capitalism.
What about Comminism? Well, it’s the exact opposite. Communist movements have historically come from the Proletariat (as well as the peasantry, especially in China where there wasn’t a large Proletariat at the time of its revolution), and have served the Proletariat greatly. The oppressed class is the Bourgeoisie. What this historically has translated to is AES states (or “Actually Existing Socialism”) working towards huge literacy programs, massive education expansion, rapid industrialization, and generous social services. The USSR, for example, provided completely free healthcare and education, and had lower retirement ages than the United States, the social safety net actually inspired FDR’s New Deal as a means to prevent revolution within the United States during the Great Depression.
Moreover, the USSR and the Nazis saw the vast majority of the fighting in WWII. 80% of Nazi deaths came from the Eastern Front, it was the strategy of the West to let both the Nazis and the Communists fight it out and grind each other to a pulp. Truman spoke this of the strategy:
If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don’t want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances.
Ultimately, the real issue here is trying to dress up a massive difference as a small one, and using it to equate two polar opposites. Again, I highly encourage you to read the top level comment. No, AES states are not and have never been perfect, but they have also been in no way shape or form comparable to fascist states, in who they serve or how they functioned, and to equate them is a massive error.
Let me know if you have any questions!
This is adjusted for PPP, Purchasing Power Parity.
The state is fundamentally a tool of class oppression. Such aspects would include private property rights, and other enshrinements of class distinctions, which are gradually erased as property is collectivized. Additionally, aspects like policing would transform to be more akin to social workers as the economic reasons for crime would be dramatically minimized, things like that.
It’s the usual framing of whatever China does as bad, regardless of what it is.