Does “got clone *” work or anything that would?
Does “got clone *” work or anything that would?
After downloading code from GitHub for years I can still take over a minute finding the file I want to download at times. Now that’s not long, but it’s why I’m there 90% of the time.
If a slice of American cheese isn’t sandwiched between two sheets of plastic for enough days for the plastic flavour to leak in, it’s not American cheese 😤
It seems like this swatting thing could be used on anyone including CEO’s and politicians 🤔
This is one of those war crimes you can know very little about war crimes and still identify. It’s just that fucked.
Turkey’s inflation seems to almost follow moors law.
Putting sexuality in such a defined state is relatively new in human culture. So most often no one would have the worlds to talk about it or even know it could be classified differently.
Remember it’s only a possibility these planets are cool. They’re likely lame.
A new strain hit the shelves of my government ran dispensary lately. It’s $70 Canadian dollars for an ounce and it’s not on sale. It comes to less than $3 a gram and it’s not bad.
Not too relevant to the article, just wanted a chance to share.
Did he use weapon arts?
It’s like super Florida.
The end of an era.
What do I use this for? Do I install it on my NAS or my gaming pc?
My best guess is this is a self hosted network storage for games and other computers run the games from there? Or do they download the game from there? Is it a way to store game saves? Does it have any use for emulators like yuzu?
Sorry for all the questions, I’m only asking because the software looks really interesting but I just can’t figure out its uses.
A mental health assessment used as part of the sentencing hearing said he “continued to express the intent to return to cyber-crime as soon as possible”, adding: “He is highly motivated.”
20 Wisdom, 0 Intelligence.
You just need to incarcerate them so the jail can monitor them, thus closing the loop.
Is this man actually trying to get into heaven or something?
Unlike other republicans who are at the whim of trump, the Supreme Court can’t really be touched and don’t have to bow down to him while still being shitty republicans.
Soon public bathrooms in America can have birth certificate dispensers for all the miscarriages that are apparently corpses now.
That’s organic chemistry which is very different from the definition of organic food.
This will really hamper my 0 visits to Wendy’s without coupons.