It means he’s racist, turn it around and see how you get treated by him…i bet it will become clear what he means by it.
It means he’s racist, turn it around and see how you get treated by him…i bet it will become clear what he means by it.
I just go to bed at 11, like i would on any other day off😅
My wife and i got stuck living in 14sqm and currently have 60sqm like it’s an absolute palace…they are telling me that 58sqm for one person is tiny?
The stuff i could do with this place if i lived alone, endless options.
Needless to say i struggle with seeing 58sqm for a single person as small.
When money still had some real world value (more income equaled more things in return, which is a thing of the past here. When i make more they just jack up the rent to compensate) we used to have a 100sqm house, which was pretty damn huge but still less than 58sqm per person.
Man’s destroying my hopes and dreams here x’D
Nah jk, i seriously didn’t think of the implications yet.
I wouldn’t mind like a store where you buy movies and music but you bring your own storage device, maybe 2 to get a safety backup in case something happens on the way home.
You tryin’ to tell me what to do in my own home? Pssh.
What is this, an attempt to stop women from making too much money with their onlyfans?
Show me a business that’s actually doing well within cycling range and i’ll probably apply for a job there, if it’s within my skillset.
My current job is far too boring and i hate having to “look busy” for 6h a day because i’d rather use that time to work on myself, interests and skills.
So if like 95% dies and all the production, transportation, unnecesary consumption etc, it will normalize and we get a do over?
Oh well, did all i could afford and the government demanded more by increasing the cost of living…pushing me in the reds with an employer that can’t afford to increase the wage.
Good luck y’all…i just stuck around to watch it all burn, so maybe i do get lucky in the end.
Can’t afford 'm anyway.
I hope you’re right, seeing the current prices.
Seeing how a bottle nowadays is well over €2, but i remember my teenage supermarket job when my manager explained to me they pulled this with coca cola as they wanted to increase the price from €1,15 per bottle to €1,35.
I think we all know how much effect that had.
People seem to have reached their covid limit out here in the real world though.
I’m not talking about your american taxes, i’m not an American.
They summoned a new inheritance tax over here, they sold it to us in the shape of: to get more taxes from the rich.
But those idiots don’t run around giving away money, they hand out businesses and stocks to their family or other assets.
So who are once again ending up paying even more money? Hmm? Yeah that’s right, if my dad manages to have some money left the goddamn tax criminals will gobble that up even though i probably need it to pay for his funeral.
I’m no musician, writer, scientist or athlete. I’m just a regular ole shitbag who has worked far too hard to make something of his life while the economy ruined the value of what i worked for and life has gone nothing but backwards.
The fuck should i care what covid does to this shithole.
So eh…what is this going to lead too if the effects are worth the effort?
Like women farms, to harvest their tears that will be sold as medicine at a premium or something?
Put the value back into my income then, ye cunts.
I make the same number as my dad used to. His was a different currency but the number was the same which makes it awfully simple to put everything into perspective.
His house: 350 Mine: a little under half the size: 900
I’m already down 550 in comparison.
His insurance: 90 Mine: 160
I’m down 620.
His medicine cost and doctor visits: basically zero. Mine: 385 and half the medicine comes out of pocket nowadays.
This difference is hard to put into perspectice as the 385 is once a year and medicine depends on the situation.
Him: unemployed wife, groceries cost about 200 for a full month, owns a car and has 4 children.
Me: wife works and has a hobby that makes money, no car because no money left. Groceries: we eat about 2/3rd of what they did and pay 200 a week. No children.
We are down 1220 if we forget about insurance and medicine. I don’t make 1220 more than he did.
Fuck this hellhole, you stole our life and i hope there is a hell for you scumbags.
Think about all those poor youtubers and the platform itself.
Lol obvious sarcasm, fuck 'm and the insane amount of ads that are nowadays considered normal.
You could learn to accept it for what it is, as it’s not yours to spend energy on it.
People are flawed, you are people too. Equally flawed, just differently.