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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Cigarette butts really anger me. It’s a sign of entitlement that I hate. The person knows it’s smelly and disgusting, so they get it as far away from their person or car without a second thought.

    I can be judgemental about it because I smoked for over 20 years. I kept a ziplock bag on me (kind of like you would for dog poop when walking your dog) and would keep em in there until I could find a trash can. The ashtray in my car was also used instead of throwing them out the window.

    Now that I’ve quit the habit, I notice it even more. It’s awful. My father and mother in law throw their butts on our lawn literally every time they come over, even though they are fully aware that we don’t smoke. When I put a coffee can on the front porch and let them know that’s where they should throw them, they looked at ME like I was the rude one.

    Judge em hard. Cigarette smokers have very little space for other people in their world.

  • Yeah, lots of people in here saying “stop supporting corporations” as if it is not only easy, but simple to do.

    Wanna cook whole foods? You growing your own or buying them from the Amish?

    Wanna fix your own house (something I am currently doing), good luck finding a hardware/lumber supply that isn’t owned by one.

    Want to use the internet?

    It isn’t so simple. I think doing what you can with what you have is all anyone in the working class can really do. For some people it’s more, others less.

    In the end, it seems like human history is a series of people with wealth and resources screwing over others, with brief bursts of progress.
