FWIW I run only very small databases e.g., sqlite ones shipped with applications, but haven’t had any problems in about a year now, and nothing that wasn’t recoverable from backup.
Correct, I run docker on a compute host that has no local storage. The host’s disks are on iSCSI LUNs.
If you’ve been MAGA all this time, you’ll somehow find a way to shift the blame from Trump to $ENEMY.
What’s high availability to you? There’s an increasing cost.
Anyway, I have a similar setup. NAS for storage and OptiPlex Proxmox nodes for compute. But I went a different route and set up an iSCSI SAN and all the guests use block storage on the NAS. Guest backups by Proxmox go to file storage on the NAS and backed up to a second NAS.
Pleased about Australia too.
If you do set up a RAG store, please post the tech stack you use as I’m in a similar situation. The inbuilt document store management in ollama+openwebui is a bit clunky.
I’d be interested to see how it goes. I’ve deployed Ollama plus Open WebUI on a few hosts and small models like Llama3.2 run adequately (at least as fast as I can read) on even an old i5-8500T with no GPU. Oracle Cloud free tier might work OK.
Running an LLM can certainly be an on-demand service. Apart from training, which I don’t think we are discussing, GPU compute is only used while responding to prompts.
I think it’s community (and lack thereof). When you had to talk to others on your server only, sit in LFG and shout in Ironforge for a UBRS group, then all schlep to Blackrock Mountain, then spend an hour battling through the instance, that was a shared experience with players you’d see more or less often. Now, it’s get in a random queue, get teleported there, race behind some tank who can solo the whole thing, then everyone drops at the end before you can even say thanks.
Cupboard + DiskStation + OptiPlex = Win
Tailscale is available as an official DSM package, so if it’s only you accessing it you could still block it from the Internet.
Jellyfin is also available as a native DSM package through SynoCommunity, FWIW.
I’m interested in how you like Ceph.
My setup is similar, using a DS1522+ volume as shared block storage for an iSCSI SAN for three Proxmox nodes. Two nodes are micro PCs and the third is running on the 1522+. There’s a DS216j for backups.
Also make sure the Synology has enough RAM for what you want to do.
Seconded. Software RAID is much easier to recover from.
I run both for a similar reason. It’s the same library, point both services at it and you have more choice of apps. Yet another benefit to self hosting.
I’m concerned that enough people might refuse a vaccine to cause our herd immunity to fail, resulting in many avoidable deaths.
Just wondering whether we can start referring to Tiananmen Square 1989 as a “lootbox”, or Xi as a “microtransaction” and let China fix our problems.