As someone that uses a custom domain for the majority of his email, it’s not really a privacy thing, it’s a control thing.
I have hundreds of unique unpredictable email addresses and I can disconnect them at will to stop spam.
Hiker, software engineer (primarily C++, Java, and Python), Minecraft modder, hunter (of the Hunt Showdown variety), biker, adoptive Akronite, and general doer of assorted things.
As someone that uses a custom domain for the majority of his email, it’s not really a privacy thing, it’s a control thing.
I have hundreds of unique unpredictable email addresses and I can disconnect them at will to stop spam.
Yeah if there is a nuke coming and you can’t get to shelter, you want to be near where it hits not a few miles away IIRC
Radiation poisoning is a hell of a way to go
Hmm… There’s been a lot of quality of life patches (key binds, esc to close interfaces, clicking outside of interfaces closes them, smarter quantities on the withdraw screen, the option to have left click do a “default action” rather than opening the window, middle click drag, etc). He was pushing out changes every day for like two weeks, then weekly patches.
I haven’t really seen anything I’d call a bug (it’s actually one of the most stable games I’ve ever played).
It’s definitely a true early access game (and they’ve said as much; they’re open to a lot of potential changes and have been quite receptive to feedback with strong consensus), so I’d definitely check back from time to time if you like it in concept. They’re talking about adding action queuing and reworking the combat to feel “better” in the near term. Player trading and PvP duels should come soon after as well along with a bunch of other stuff.
The game is designed to be friendly to touch screens and they do plan to have a mobile client eventually (similar to RuneScape). However, they have said they will not add any micro transactions or other predatory stuff … and I believe them; the Gowers have been quite principled about that over the years.
Yeah? What wasn’t clicking for you? I love it
Me with a 7900 XTX playing brighter shores 🥲
The specs in the comic are just crazy. The top of the line option has expanded a lot too. In the past Nvidia wouldn’t have bothered making a 4090 because the common belief was nobody would pay that much for a GPU… But seemingly enough people are willing to do it that it’s worth doing now.
AMD also revived CPUs in desktop PCs from extreme stagnation and raised the bar for the high end on that side as well by a lot.
So it’s a mix of inflation and the ceiling just being raised as to what the average consumer is offered.
deleted by creator
Graphical realism is an easier metric than good writing or fun.
All MBAs, in all industries, need to be done away with.
Some power systems do actually put a fuse in the extension cord… I think it’s the UK that does this. Basically every power system other than the US uses different (safer) plug designs that solve the arcing problem.
In practice daisy chaining rarely causes a serious problem and it makes things more expensive so it never really became a thing that was legislated or common within the US. Similar to how the plug designs themselves rarely cause a problem so it hasn’t made sense to actually change them.
There are two things going on here.
The first is that yes, more connections causes more opportunities for the plugs to slip. So you can get short circuits or even arcing that can start a fire.
The second is that the wire in the cord has a certain rating on it. Many of those cords do not use 12 (20 amp) or 14 (15 amp) gauge wire; so, they’re not rated for the full capacity of the wire in the wall. The breakers are sized to protect the wires in the wall, they don’t know anything about the things plugged into them. So what can happen is you plug too much into the extension cord (particularly if it’s a power strip) and the load on the extension cord is not enough to trip the breaker (because the walls are fine) but it’s enough to overload the extension cord wire. In other words, the extension cord can start getting so hot it melts and possibly arcs up as the insulation fails.
You can have a fire from overloading a single power strip in just the same way. However, the more you chain together, the more likely you are to overload the power strip.
Ideally, you just think about what you’re doing… But historically the easy answer is just to tell people not to chain things.
In short it’s not about the distance, it’s about the insulation and quality of the wire itself along with the number of connections.
I do not understand why companies are choosing to make their own streaming services when they are just money pits that provide minimal benefit.
Because everyone thought they could save money by doing it themselves. It’s rarely that easy.
It’s been said that those that make change via peaceful means impossible, invite violence.
I don’t like that someone was shot, but this is the direction we’re heading unless we can get this fixed.
It’s not just health care either, it’s every large corporation trying to get more from their employees and more from their customers without giving back anything in exchange … or realizing that they have enough.
The infinite growth mindset is out of control and ridiculous.
You’re ignoring that simple principles make great guidelines for not overthinking things.
Name some great “simple principles;” everything has nuance and trying to distill things into “well it’s just this simple principle…” is a great way to get catastrophic mistakes.
And you’re doing so in the context of an article about the dangers of overthinking things.
You did not understand the point of that article if you think it’s about the dangers of over thinking. The issue with DRY is that it leads to making refractors without thinking about whether or not the refractor makes sense. That’s the exact issue the author is warning about, think about whether or not dry makes sense.
That has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with how many times the code has been repeated. It has everything to do with why it’s repeated.
You’re coming across like one of the rookies who need this warning.
I’ll toss that right back at you bud. You don’t seem to understand the actual problem.
Consider counting to three, before applying DRY. It works.
It does not. I literally fixed a bug today because the same algorithm, doing the same job, was used in two different places formatted differently, exactly two, and they got out of sync resulting in memory corruption.
That’s what DRY is intended to fix. Not “I have three [or whatever number] things doing the same thing so now I should DRY this code up”, I’ve seen HORRIBLE refractors from DRY applied to 3 things; absolute spaghetti inheritance hierarchies that were “DRY.”
I hate talking about DRY because it’s this principle that so many people think “oh I’m doing it correctly; I’m doing good things!” and they actually make the code SO MUCH worse.
EDIT: Here’s exact quotes from the article (emphasis theirs):
Applying DRY principles too rigidly leads to premature abstractions that make future changes more complex than necessary. Consider carefully if code is truly redundant or just superficially similar. While functions or classes may look the same, they may also serve different contexts and business requirements that evolve differently over time. Think about how the functions’ purpose holds with time, not just about making the code shorter.
because they’ve delivered nothing for me personally
As an indigent, I have free healthcare that so far as I understand simply covers everything (and a free bus pass!) from the county.
Sometimes just holding the line is doing something for you. Also, the investments made in the infrastructure bill will give a lot of people jobs both directly and indirectly by propping up domestic manufacturing. The transportation improvements will also do the same.
Maybe that helps you someday maybe it doesn’t, but it still helps some average Joe.
If all we ever do is think of ourselves, this country will not make it.
they failed so many people like me that Trump won.
Trump won because of the perception of who did what, not who actually did what. That’s the issue that really is not getting enough attention. The Democrats didn’t cause any of your problems. The Republicans arguably did cause some of your problems and would like to do things that will (as you say make your problems worse).
The choice to me is clear in that situation … as “punishing” the Democrats for not doing enough will result in you losing things.
I think a lot of people that voted for Trump because “the Democrats didn’t do enough for me” are in for a rude awakening as the Republicans may very well deliver on all their promises to screw (primarily poor and minority) people over.
You’re both saying the same thing though.
We’re not quite saying the same thing though because …
It’s not a 2 vs 3 issue. You can have an infinite number of instances of the same logic and it still not be a case for generalization because it’s not actually general … it’s just an infinitely large program. You can also have two copies of the same code that should be reduced because they are general (e.g. you have the exact same algorithm for generating a UUID copied into two different spots). If you’re thinking about it in terms of quantity you’re already doing it wrong.
It’s not fixable by “just” copying something.
Those two points are really important points.
The code in the article isn’t complicated enough that I’d bother. It even ends up with about the same number of lines of code, hinting that you probably haven’t simplified things much.
I think it’s a good example of the problem though. People take that same idea and apply it too liberally. The point isn’t that specific code, it’s about not apply DRY to code that’s coincidentally identical.
But otherwise, I disagree with the article. If it’s complicated enough to bother abstracting the logic, the worst that can happen in the above situation is that you just duplicate that whole class once you discover that it’s not the same. And if that never happens, you only have 1 copy to maintain.
That’s… Not at all true in practice. What often happens with these “DRY” abstractions when they’ve been improperly applied is you end up with an inheritance hierarchy or a crazy template or some other thing. You’re really lucky if you can just copy some code and find your way out of the weeds.
There are plenty of bad abstractions in the wild and novices applying DRY is a common source of them.
It should be about concepts but it’s more often applied to duplicate algorithms by inexperienced people (which is a huge mistake).
They’ve delivered plenty if you’re paying attention. They’d deliver more if they had the votes in Congress.
I don’t know why your saying “okay what’s their platform?” I’m criticizing Trump’s shitty ones. If you legit didn’t know, there were platform documents for the Democrats in both election cycles… there they are. Kamala’s campaign itself did not really make much of a platform… It was mostly housing assistance IIRC.
tldw the county was made because the fed government wanted to put nuclear waste storage there, and they made this county to with nobody in it with extremely high property taxes to try and profit off of this. Supreme Court of Nevada killed the county as unconditional because there was nobody in it. Nuclear waste was never put there.