Split days off sucks, from personal experience, don’t do that. Two days together off in the middle of the week is good if you don’t care about a social life.
I don’t read DMs.
Split days off sucks, from personal experience, don’t do that. Two days together off in the middle of the week is good if you don’t care about a social life.
He actually thinks I’m defending fucking TRUMP when i point out Dems fuckups.
Herein lies the biggest problem. We’ve taken up sides along the single line drawn for us, and are therefore blinded to the fact that this is a class war. You can say “it’s not red versus blue”, and get nods of agreement, and then in the next sentence, they’ll say shit like this, showing they don’t really get it.
I switched my browser over to it to see how I like it. So far, so good.
You can also download it at Github without giving up your email address or agreeing to some dumb TOS.
We had one here in my small suburb town a couple of days ago. I was surprised, and pleased to see it. There were only about 50 people, but there was 50 people.
40+ years, and I’m still on number one. I laminated mine, because I’m a rebel that way.