I have, what most in the U.S. would consider, a very generous PTO allotment (accrues at 19.5 hrs per month) and I could not even fathom asking for an entire month off at a time. Who are these 34%?? Crap wait, I think I just realized. 🤦
I have, what most in the U.S. would consider, a very generous PTO allotment (accrues at 19.5 hrs per month) and I could not even fathom asking for an entire month off at a time. Who are these 34%?? Crap wait, I think I just realized. 🤦
Little know fact - hops are not actually plants and are named after the mode of transportation the bunnies, frogs, and kangaroos they come from use.
I have an android and can react to text messages and see when other ppl do. I also see the dots when someone else is typing, but that’s only if they’re also on Android. To me neither of those features makes or breaks a phone for me.
I’m comfortable on the android platform and I absolutely refuse to spend a thousand dollars on a phone. NO feature is worth that much to me.
Chocolate chip cookie dough, peanut butter cookie dough, Oreo cookie pieces, chocolate ice cream, and caramel swirl I think. It’s unbelievably fantastic.