I can’t believe a PRESIDENT would LIE like that!
-Fox, probably
I can’t believe a PRESIDENT would LIE like that!
-Fox, probably
Organ donation process, then load my body in to my shitbox car along with as much of my bullshit that fits in it, light it all on fire and trebuchet it into a quarry or something.
My argument doesn’t imply that at all. My argument is that you can’t reason with the unreasonable. You absolutely should say or do something about these people in the moment, but its extremely rare for them to realize they were in the wrong.
Telling someone on a forum that the way they’re treating a creator is wrong is not at all comparable to catching someone during a rape, and implying that because I think trying to reason with an internet troll is useless means I’d just let a rape happen is disingenuous.
we all have a responsibility to hold our community accountable for this type of behavior.
Much like the “teach men not to rape” sentiment, the ones that will listen weren’t the problem in the first place. If the people that need to be called out were reasonable, they wouldn’t need to be called out, they don’t see what they’re doing as wrong. So we’re just screaming into the void.
Because most of the non-fast food restaurants in my rural town are priced highly for the rich yuppies LARPing blue collar living.
Zombified is the first and only song of his that I listened to voluntarily, the moment I realized that the lyrics were basically him bitching about being treated poorly for being a shit bag I looked him up and have avoided anything hes touched ever since.
I wish my 94 ford ranger hadn’t been such a piece of shit. It was my first vehicle and that little truck would have come in clutch a lot over the years, but alas.
With their high beams blasting directly into your eyes from your mirrors.
Just say “No contest” though, spouting off latin makes you look like a dork.
Apple brandy counts as a serving of fruit, not apple flavored.
Most apple flavored stuff sucks, except for apples.
That explains why that old minifridge I got for $15 on black friday was such a piece of shit that lasted less than 6 months.
Every fan of Tim Burton’s work that I know constantly talk about all of his overrated movies all of the time, you’ll be fine.
What if they could tight money?
All I’m gonna say about Rossman is that he gives me the same Ick that Mr Beast has given me since long before the allegations about him hit. So far my gut has never been wrong about people that make me feel this way.
I had to drop everything and move halfway across the country on somewhat short notice (long story) and could only take what fit in my car. One of those things was my random cables/adapters box and it came in handy almost immediately. No one will ever convince me to throw that shit away.
Wait. Is it not normal to have a box full of extra cables and adapters just laying around?
I had the good fortune to have a medical emergency that allowed me to be on sick leave long enough to play through it at a leisurely pace.
Worth it.