The general election is two weeks away. What are people voting for in Georgia today?
The general election is two weeks away. What are people voting for in Georgia today?
I was curious about why all of the authors of a study from Oxford University seem to have Chinese names. I didn’t find any of their names in a search of Oxford’s staff, either.
I have no idea what this means, but maybe the study was actually conducted elsewhere using data from the UK? Maybe there are just a ton of graduate students from China at Oxford in their life sciences program? I’m not insinuating any sinister, it just seems odd and I was trying to understand why.
People like Musk are cynical, attention-seeking manipulators and narcissists. They aren’t afraid that their way of life is being threatened, they’re using the fears of others to further their own ends, and consider themselves above it all.
That article was the most cogent take I have seen on this subject. I have a similar cultural background (rednecks and urban, religious Polish-Americans), but see myself as a science-literate atheist. I have seen this first-hand, but wasn’t able to articulate it as well.
Thank you for that!
I think I can say it now, except I keep wanting to put a Scottish “ch” at the end of Llangrannog instead of a “g” sound.
I just tried to pronounce the name of that place, and now my tongue hurts. Beautiful picture.
I don’t know that scientists gaslit anyone. I think it’s more the state of journalism driven by the way it is monetized. Chasing SEO drives clickbait headlines and sensational claims to the top of everyone’s feed.
I really appreciate the discussion on Lemmy.
I am not a planetary scientist, but I have read a bit on the subject. My understanding is that it’s almost entirely due to the lack of magnetic field. The solar wind just blasts the atmosphere away over time.
If we ever reach a high enough state of technology to terraform Mars, we will have to figure out some way to protect the atmosphere. I found this video to be a really interesting take on the subject: https://youtu.be/HpcTJW4ur54?si=P-HpbrHPjJFfAaEI
I’m sure that the “three months of work” was completely shit code. Anybody who is unfamiliar with source control (or even backups!) is prone to making stupid mistakes. Republican voters are likely to have a similar experience over the next 4 years.