yeah, thats pretty dark. maybe some anger issues ?
yeah, thats pretty dark. maybe some anger issues ?
Give em back to Mexico and make sure the “remain in Mexico” policy sticks. Mexico will know what to do.
So far most of what I’ve seen is “want to stare at phone a day”, “can’t I work from home?”, “stopped working at the first excuse or (god forbid) difficulty”.
Ahh acronyms. Can they put a Hasaaaaaaan in front?
Mullin might benefit from a little historical research on the activities of the Teamsters’ union.
All I had to read was “Florida”
The social security insolvency boogie man gets dragged out to scare everyone at least once a generation. It really is a persistent feature of how our nation is managed.
Remembering The Circle Jerks “Shit hits the fan” from early 1980’s.
Def did this one by one to all of the caps in my old AC unit. Amazing how resourceful you become when faced with a night of discomfort and a huge repair bill.
So human spittle is a vital ingredient at In-N-Out ?
Big fat zero