If they want to stay in the missles way and be genocided I guess they can make that choice too.
28M CA🇺🇸 #Socialist-Dgger
If they want to stay in the missles way and be genocided I guess they can make that choice too.
Hope they can get asylum and help quickly.
“Language museum,” sounds like some shit Quebec would make
Edit: lol offended Quebecaggot.
Congrats Philippines
LMAO come on, guess they didn’t expect the IDF to fight back 🤷🏽
I feel like we’re in it lately with: the lab grown meat, 3D printing building and drones, CRISPR technology, and even something as “basic” as our smartphones.
At this point the only thing that I’m waiting for is space travel 😎
Edit: ugh, just read the rest of the responses and people are such bummers
Jfc, at what point are those settlements going to get people’s attentions…
Imo, he might consider himself and his, different from the victims that were targeted. THEY were ninjas, not him.
Imo, anyone who’s going to try to break away from Russia, ahem Serbia, would wait until Russia’s military collapses before they make any official announcements.
But plenty of Russian allies have secretly worked against Russia itself, won’t be long before they’re all doing it as overtly as Turkey’s Erdogan.
Not if you’re a Republican with pussy Democrats as your opponent
LMAO excuse me? You really think people are only upset at him because he’s Indian?
I would be more surprised if they weren’t.
Iirc that special agent(FSB agent?), That turned talked about a secret train that was used to transport material.
Doesn’t seem like the main reason why they got upset was because she was American
The Yale University professor’s former ties to Big Tech companies including Microsoft and Apple raised eyebrows, as she would have been in charge of advising on the Digital Markets Act, the EU law designed to tame those very companies.
Public opinion only gets more positive for Ukraine with each of these high level corruption arrests.
Tankies and dumbasses, think it proves their point that Ukraine will continue to be corrupt.
Things to note:
The company, which makes most of its money from advertising, has struggled to draw new ad commitments under Musk’s ownership in part because brands are concerned about Musk’s approach to content moderation. The advertising industry is also in a slump, and several media companies have begun offering brands discounts.
So it seems like the discounting is an industry wide thing
X also warned advertisers that beginning Aug. 7, brands’ accounts will lose their verification—a gold check mark that indicates their account truly represents their brand—if they haven’t spent at least $1,000 on ads in the previous 30 days or $6,000 on ads in the previous 180 days, according to the email.
And the trusted method of giving advertisers ultimatums for your dying platform lol
Apparently we’re to call it an “X”. A retweet will not be an “rxm” or some stupid nonsense like that
Iirc, Ben-Gvir got a personal security army as a concession to delay these overhauls.
I’m assuming, if there’s protests or riots like there were last time, he’s going to use that army to duties suppress while they do this overhaul.
I’ve had a better experience than Twitter, no rate limits or randomly getting suspended for being a leftie 🥴
The right to stay in a missles way? That’s anybody’s right I guess