People are missing the forest for the trees but you are right.
If Republicans force this through on every bill then at some point it would have to pass. You can’t just shut down the US government indefinitely in the real world.
People are missing the forest for the trees but you are right.
If Republicans force this through on every bill then at some point it would have to pass. You can’t just shut down the US government indefinitely in the real world.
I’m in the same boat as you. It’s a waste of time for me, but others seem to need it.
It’s worth noting I have autism though. So social interactions don’t do much for me.
Keep proving my point lol. It’s a shame on a science board that people aren’t willing to engage in discussion but just pointless one word responses or personal attacks.
Thanks I did.
My conclusions are the same. I’d be curious to hear why a single study of 300 people for you makes you think that psychedelics are now the cure for long term relationship issues.
Your opinion must change a lot if you base your opinion on these sorts of small studies that mean little!
People who make comments that add little to no value to the discussion such as yours.
This makes no sense/is not relevant to my comment at all…
But sure, if you can’t make an argument against it feel free to use irrelevant anecdotes. But what can you expect from a person who probably doesn’t play basketball.
I don’t disagree they can have great effects, but the research is way too limited on it.
Again, given the actual issue - there are far better researched and understood ways of dealing with it than just taking some drugs and hoping for the best of it.
And yes, myself and friends have taken psychedelics. I recall needing to stop my friend from cutting his penis off as he was hallucinating it was attacking him. Great solid experience.
I’m sure there’s safe dosages and if done under supervision it’s fine, but we’re nowhere near that at the moment and you’re just as likely to have a bad experience as anything profound and good imo.
The anecdote sort of works, but in my version, you’re putting a bandage on a broken bone. I mean, sure, maybe it’ll help but there’s better ways of doing it based on what we know.
There’s a lot of potential benefits to psychedelics. But a single study of 300 people showing one effect is hardly cause for celebration.
There is a massive difference in using well studied and understood ways to help couples work through issues VS. Taking something poorly understood that we have close to zero understanding of the long term impact for.
So I’m pretty comfortable saying this is bullshit until proven otherwise, and I think that’s the healthiest way to do it.
Think of it another way - there’s far more research and drugs that are touted as curing cancer that go nowhere than there is support for this. It’s a sexy headline but pretty useless at end of day.
Enraged? Because I’m suggesting long term relationship issues are extremely unlikely to be solved by short term solutions?
Yes clearly I’m the crazy one here. Do you honestly believe that serious relationship issues can be solved by a short term acting drug? I’m sure there’s a small chance, but it’s ridiculous to think it’d work for more than a minority.
But feel free to throw some baseless insults instead of providing an actual counter argument! I get it though, if you can’t make an argument, easiest to just attack the person. 😊
Lol. If your relationship has improved significantly becsuse you’ve taken some short term acting drugs then it either wasn’t a problem in the first place or you’re lying to yourself.
Are people here not in relationships? You must have intense fantasies to think long term issues can be solved by short term solutions.
If you can’t fix your marriage normally, just drink/take drugs so you’re too smashed to worry about whether you actually like your partner!
Solid advice.
In related news, if you’re unfulfilled in your current relationship, just cheat/spend time with others to fill the gaps! Problem solved.
I wouldn’t try to murder them, but again I don’t lose my temper. I guess people are irrational though.
Yes, a science fiction writer! That’ll show me the errors of my statement! I can’t combat that, you got me. Except for all the science fiction writers that write the exact opposite…
I absolutely hate these sorts of comments and people who agree with them. Meeting violence with more violence just makes the problem worse not better. It’s a stupid revenge porn take.
Yep… Turns the post from somewhat interesting/meaningful to preachy and judgemental.
This is good, nice to finally have competition.
Tesla is extremely overrated (as can be seen by them repeatedly lowering prices now that any competiton exists).
And the BYD is a nice little car. I test drove one and was quite surprised how many features it had.
Hopefully others will follow suit. The EV market up till now has just been overly expensive cars unfortunately which hurts adoption.
This is not correct for Australia.
I’m looking at places in Melbourne at the moment. A 1-bedroom place is around $450 a week or $1800 a month roughly.
You can easily get a cheaper mortgage than that for a 1 bedroom place. Potentially even get a 2 bedroom unit for same as you’d pay in rent.
It’s honestly terrible that thousands of Palestinians can die and noone gives a fuck, but 1 Australian and all of a sudden Australia is outraged. I say this as an Australian as well.